Apr 24, 2009

Barack Obama's Secret of Personal Success

Being a believer in the benefits of emulating (imitating someone) I have been studying Barack Obama for the last few months. The new President displays many great qualities worth emulating.

However in order to be able to emulate someone, we have to get to the core of that person's being. We have to know what makes him tick. The central element, around which everything else revolve has to be uncovered and understood.

In the cases of people like Trump and Schwarzenegger it would be pride. They have to be the biggest and own the most. As far as they are concerned, life is a contest and a contest that they must win. That would be the pivot around which their life is built and from which everything else eradiate.

The need to win in their central motivating force. That's where their energy and their drive comes from. Everything else is subordinated to that need.

In Obama's case, it is different. He does not seem to be motivated by the desire for acquisition but much more by a desire and a need for self-expression. But that need does not seem to be motivated by megalomania which is usually the case when the need is manifested to such an extent.

So whatever factor is at the roots of Obama's motivation and demeanor has to be deeper than the desire to acquire and win. The man is not primarily after honor or recognition. In other words, he is not motivated by a central need. So, the question then becomes, why would he work so hard if it is not to satisfy a need?

After pondering that question for a long time, I have come to the conclusion that Obama can be completely dedicated to a cause that will not serve to fulfill a need because he has found peace of mind. That's the secret of Obama's mystique and success. Peace of mind and nothing else.

With peace of mind you are totally free from fears and demands. With peace of mind you are free, there is no work, only play. There is no desire other than that of following the inner voice that will guide and inspire you.

I may be right and I may be wrong in my assumption. It does not matter. That's what my reality is and that is all that matters as long as I'm concerned. How to emulate Obama is now clear for me. It can and it will be used to further my personal growth.

The saying, "No drama Obama." now has a new meaning for me. All that I have to do now is to let it sink in through osmosis and, gradually, it will be wired in the neurons of my brain. Peace of mind will gradually supplant other less important considerations and will become a central source of power and energy.

Personal Development is a long and slow process. Luckily, if you have peace of mind, there is no rush. You are already happy exactly where you are right now. That's the power of "peace of mind." It's a gift that was given me in embryonic form by my latest mentor, Barack Obama.


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