Jun 26, 2009

Obama Grants For Moms

The newly updated Obama grants for moms to return to school has resulted in more mothers deciding that going to college is a great way to set the stage for a secure and exciting future.

The main grant that I am speaking of is the government's Federal Pell Grant. When Obama was sworn into office, one of the first actions he took was to increase the amount of the Pell Grant.

The maximum available for the 2009-2010 year is $5,350. The grant will increase to $5,400 by 2012. This money provides a huge help to low income people who wish to go to school.

The Pell Grant is a needs-based grant so it is only awarded to people who meet specific criteria and this is usually in the form of being in a low income family. You will normally have to demonstrate financial need for the grant, so if you are a mom who is considered to be low income then the Federal Pell Grant is perfect for you.

Naturally this can put you in a difficult position if you don't meet the requirements. But that certainly does not mean you should give up! There are so many other grants and scholarship opportunities for mothers out there - and it doesn't take long to find and apply for them.

Scholarships can help pay for:

- Your college books
- Stationary like notebooks and pens
- Laptop and computer software
- College tuition fees

College costs can add up to into the thousands, so I strongly suggest that you look into the Obama grants for moms and see if you are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. If not, simply start applying for other scholarships until you finally get that money you want for college!

401k and Obama

On October 24, 2008, word got out that key Congressional Democrats had held hearings about the possibility of federalizing Americans' retirement investments, phasing out the current 401k's and other 400-series retirement plans.

Note the date, because it makes a difference both politically and economically.

Ten days before the election and right at the stock market's nadir, the conservative pundits put out the word that the 401k and Obama had come to the brink of breaking-up. According to conservative pundits, Obama and Company planned to end privatized retirement plans, wresting control of Americans' futures out of their employers' hands and putting it, maybe, in the government's hands. The 401k and Obama were on the rocks.

A little perspective on the 401k and Obama
Given that the best hiding place is the most obvious place, two significant facts deserve attention: First, "hearings about the possibility" don't exactly make it a done deal. And, second, Democrats simply were responding to the heavy price American workers had paid for Wall Street's woeful deflation. In fact, the Congressional Democrats, noting that 401k's had, on the average, lost 40% of their value in the stock market's collapse, wanted to protect average working people from further plunder. Thinking about the 401k and Obama as a certified change-agent, Congressional Democrats welcomed any and all suggestions. The one set of hearings focused on a hybrid plan-employee contributions matched by government funds and invested at the employee's discretion. The plan numbered among several others up for examination when the proper time and circumstance rolled around.

The "buzz" on the 401k and Obama

In his October 24 article, which spread across the internet like wildfire across Australia and with only slightly fewer casualties, Mark Impomeni wrote, "Congressional Democrats miss the point that under current law, Americans have control over their retirement savings, where and how it is invested, and when and how much they contribute... [Democrats] want control of Americans'' retirement to reside in Washington, DC, not on Main Street, all in the name of 'retirement security'."

Once it gets written down, a rumor gets elevated to the status of fact, and then it evolves into a threat. Warning that the 401k and Obama could not peacefully co-exist, Impomeni unfortunately missed the fact that Americans' corporate employers have control of their retirement investments. The corporations establish and administer 401k s, and they determine whether or not they will match employees' contributions. Historically, many companies often had delivered their matches in the form of company shares; and, sometimes, they delivered nothing at all. In the downturn, 401k matches always has numbered among the first benefits cut. Congressional Democrats believed the 401k and Obama could do better.

401k and Obama in the cold light of day
Yes, workers determine, up to a point, where their 401k funds are invested, but they cannot choose real estate, commodities, or futures. And, yes, American workers determine how much and when they contribute, but they face stiff penalties for going over the limits, and "when" isn't quite as flexible as Impomeni makes it seem: once an employee authorizes a payroll deduction for a 401k, corporate and IRS regulations stipulate how long he must continue the deduction. The average working guy cannot show up on Tuesday and tell accounting to drop five bucks into his retirement, betting it all on Exxon.

401k's took a beating when the stock market headed south. Democrats took the initiative to explore ways for protecting Larry Lunchbox from further loss. Of course, from the oblique angle of the very far right, this initiative means the 401k and Obama have taken the first step down the slippery step toward hard-core socialism.

Looking at conservatives' treatment of the 401k and Obama, objective observers had to wonder: published just ten days before the election, had the conservatives' rhetoric mightily exaggerated the reality? Was there, maybe, a little more on the agenda than just the 401k and Obama?

Barack Obama And Kenya - Is He A Closet Muslim?

Although he never lived in Africa, Senator Barack Obama - fully in the race for the American presidency - is half Kenyan by descent. He has a Kenyan father and an American mother. Rumors say Obama still is a Muslim. What are the facts?

Barack Obama's Parents

Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was born in a poor town in Kenya's western Nyanza province as the son of a cook in British service. It was the kind of small village where chicken roam freely and children in rags wander around the streets. The family was from the Luo tribe. The Senator's father "grew up herding goats and went to school in a tin-roof shack", as the Senator himself wrote in his book "Dreams of my Father" (1995, reissued 2004).

But the father was a smart and hard-working young man, and when John F. Kennedy launched a program to offer American scholarships to promising Kenyan students, the father grabbed the opportunity with both hands. He was able to enter the University of Hawaii that way. There he met and married Senator Obama's mother, Ann Dunham who was a fellow student at the same university. She was a full-blooded American from Kansas, coming from a blue-collar family.

Senator Obama was born there in 1961. However, the marriage only lasted until 1965. The father went on to study at Harvard, and after that returned to Kenya to work for oil companies. He went on to become an economist in the government of Jomo Kenyatta, the first Kenyan president after independence in 1963. He died in a car accident in 1982.

The mother remarried an Indonesian oil manager, Lolo Soetoro, and together with Barack Obama (who was then 5 years old) the couple moved to Jakarta in Indonesia. When Obama was ten, he returned to his grandparents in Hawaii because of the better opportunities for education there. His father came to visit him there. It would be the last time he saw him. Eventually, after Occidental College and Columbia University, Obama would enter Harvard University just like his father did.

Two Visits To Kenya

Before enrolling in Harvard, Obama visited his relatives in Kenya for the first time. His second visit in 2006, the latest to date, was an official one. Joined by his wife Michelle and his two daughters, he was received by US Ambassador Michael Rannesberger at the aiport of Kenya's capital Nairobi. From there, a tour went through the city with thousands of Kenyans - proud that somebody 'from them' made it to the US Senate - cheering along the streets. A real Obama mania swept the country.

Obama also visited his 85-year old grandmother in her little village of Nyangoma-Kogelo. She cooked a traditional ugali meal for him. She didn't buy a new dress for the occasion, saying that Obama would hug her anyway, as he had done before. She doesn't speak English, so they talked through an interpreter.

Obama A Muslim?

Especially on the internet, the rumor still goes that Obama is a Muslim. That seems to be without basis in fact. Obama's grandfather converted from Christianity to Islam as a young man and added the Arab-style 'Hussein' to his name. The Senator inherited that middle name from his grandfather and father: the Senator's full name is Barack Hussein Obama like his father. Also 'Barack' has an Islamic background, meaning "blessed" in African-Arabic (East-African languages have a lot of Arab words .

But Obama's father had already abandoned Islam before he met Ann Dunham in Hawaii, becoming a skeptic, atheist person at a young age like Obama's mother. Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was nominally a Muslim but considered religion as of little importance. The Senator himself was also leaning towards skepticism until he heard a sermon delivered in . He became a Christian and in 1988 joined Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

But political opponents keep circulating rumors about Obama being a closet Muslim. Even the Hillary Clinton camp fed into this by circulating a photo from Obama's Kenyan visit in 2006, with Obama wearing a traditional Somali (Muslim) costume. However, this seems to have been nothing more than Obama showing respect to his hosts and trying on the clothes that he received from them as a gift.

"In no other country on earth, is my story even possible"

During his keynote speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004, Obama drew comparisons between his background and his vision of an America with equal opportunities for all. "In no other country on earth, is my story even possible", he said, pointing to the fact he made it to the US Senate as the son of a poor black immigrant.

There's an irony in that. In Kenya, the Kikuy tribe dominates both politics and the economy. They keep out the other tribes through favoritism and even corruption. For a (half)-Luo like Obama, it would be extremely hard to become the President of Kenya. Indeed, the election violence in Kenya of December-January 2008 precisely has this background. There's evidence that sitting President Kibaki, a Kikuyu (as well as virtually his entire administration), stole the elections of his Luo opponent Raila Odinga. This sparked the riots, as the Luo as well as other smaller tribes saw this as again a signal that the Kikuyu will conspire to keep any Luo out of office.

So Kenyans are now telling each other the joke that a Luo will sooner become the President of the United States than the President of Kenya.

Making Homes Affordable - President Obama's Plan For the Nation's Distressed Homeowners

President Barack Obama has introduced many ideas and programs in efforts to provide guidance and aid to the millions of struggling homeowners in this country. The sub prime mortgage crisis, fueled by the greed and often negligence of the lending industry's major players has left millions of homeowners facing the worrisome prospect of losing their homes. On February 18, 2009, President Obama introduced the nation to his housing plan.

This plan involves several programs which are designed to help over seven million families potentially facing foreclosure to avoid the grief and stress of a foreclosure by giving them options. These options will include either refinancing or modifying their existing mortgages in hopes of ultimately making those mortgages become affordable and bearable once again. Additionally, Obama's program intends to reinforce and revitalize the federal government's commitment to Government Sponsored Entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, leaders in the secondary mortgage market.

On March 4, 2009, President Obama's administration released news and information that detailed the intricacies of the program and provided guidance on the Making Home Affordable Program.

While there are several characteristics and facets of this program, the main points for homeowners to know are listed below.
1. The Home Affordable Refinance Program. Under this program, eligible borrowers may refinance loans that Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (the government sponsored enterprises, or GSEs) own or guarantee. The program can help homeowner-occupants who are current in making loan payments and have loan-to-value ratios (LTVs) above 80 percent but not more than 105 percent. Cash out refinancings are not permitted. The program ends in June 2010.
2. The Home Affordable Modification Program. This is a $75 billion program with lender, servicer, investor, and borrower incentives to make it work. The program is limited to homeowner-occupants who are at risk of default or already in default and who have loans at or below the maximum GSE conforming loan limit of $729,750 (or higher for 2-, 3-, and 4-unit properties). Loan modifications under the program may be made until December 31, 2012.
3. More Support for the GSEs. President Obama also announced more support for the GSEs, including doubling of potential Treasury investment from $100 billion to $200 billion for each GSE, to maintain their positive net worth. The plan also raises the cap on mortgages that the GSEs may hold in their portfolios by $50 billion to $900 billion.
Ultimately, this program intends to set this country back on the path to growth, profitability and success. Hopefully, with the government's continued support and diligence on the part of homeowners, we, as a nation, will begin to see the signs of recovery soon.

Understanding the Obama Housing Stimulus

Everything sounds better when the spin is in. That is the case with President Obama's housing stimulus tax credit. This very short article will cut through the hype and reveal the facts.
Just like the old $7,500 tax credit wasn't as most people believed, after careful scrutiny, you'll see that the new one isn't all its cracked up to be either. However, the new $8,000 deal is better than the old program, but you should still understand the rules. Here they are as currently constituted:
1. The program is only for those who have not owned a home for the last three years.
2. The program is only available for homes purchased in 2009.
3. The credit is reduced when buyer(s) income is over $75,000 for singles or $150,000 for couples.
4. The credit is paid as a refund on 2008 or 2009 taxes.
Nobody is going to come to your neighborhood handing out $8,000 checks to people who want to buy a new, bigger or different house. So don't stay up late looking for them. All in all, it is still a much better deal for those that qualify. Unfortunately not as many will qualify as most of the pundits think. However, by people continuing to hype it, it will serve to build consumer confidence which is the most important thing that can happen right now.
People need to keep buying, investing (intelligently), spending and consuming. That is what our economy does best. Be aware of every opportunity you can find to make buying your house a better deal. If you play your cards right, now can be a great time to get into a home.

Simple Explanation of Obama's "Making Home Affordable" Plan

If you are a homeowner and having a hard time refinancing or getting a loan modification, you are in luck. President Obama's "Making Home Affordable" plan makes getting a 2% fixed rate home mortgage easier than ever. This is a $75 billion package to help homeowners who are struggling financially make their monthly mortgage payments. Homeowners will be able to avoid foreclosure, and save huge sums of money by taking advantage of this plan. Here is how it will all go down:
-Their are new loan and grant programs offered by the Government and available to millions of homeowners, These super low interest grants and loans can be used by struggling homeowners to reduce their other debts, and increase the odds of a homeowner being able to keep their home.

-If a homeowners total monthly debts, including the mortgage, exceed 51% of a homeowners gross income will have to attend free Government credit counseling sessions in order to use this Government sponsored "Making Home Affordable" plan for their home mortgage. The same 2% fixed rate home loan will be available as long as the homeowner is approved.
-Homeowners facing all types of "Financial Hardships" can apply for the 2% fixed rate home modification option available from this Obama homeowner relief stimulus plan. The financial hardships can be a lot of things including, loss of job or income, hospital bills, and other high debts. BE sure to include a handwritten letter of your "Financial Hardships" and include any related information such as bills, bank statements, pay stubs, and tax returns.
-A lot of homeowners have seen the value of their property drop by 15% or more as a result of the housing crisis, and the tough economy in general. Now, homeowners who have experienced this can take advantage of the "Making Home Affordable" plan and get their home loan refinanced or modified into a fixed 2% mortgage.

The amount of money that homeowners can save by using this stimulus refinancing and loan modification plan is insane. You owe it to yourself to at least look into the potential savings that you most likely are eligible to get by using this plan.
At my site I will teach you how to properly refinance or modify a home mortgage saving you thousands of dollars, or even your home. A lot of Greedy Mortgage Lenders will try to suck you dry if you let them. Learn the right way to refinance or modify your home loan at my site:

Obama Stimulus Refinance - Can a Federal Stimulus Help You Refinance Your Mortgage?

The fluctuating US economy and the recession together have led to a flood of foreclosures and bankruptcies. Obama Stimulus Refinance Program as introduced by the Federal Government aims at stopping these foreclosures and bankruptcy. This Package holds 'affordability' as its keyword to save the home owners. The owners can go for refinancing at lower mortgage payments under Obama Stimulus Refinance Program
The home owners who have missed any of their monthly payments can apply for the Mortgage Modification under Obama Stimulus Program. For this, you need to check certain things that can help you refinance your existing mortgage at affordable monthly payments.
Here are the tips how you can be eligible to Refinance Your Mortgage under Obama's Stimulus Refinance Program
- Your mortgage value should exceed the current market value of the house over 105% so that you are eligible to apply.
- Your mortgage deed should be owned or insured by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
- The rates of interest for Obama Stimulus Refinance Program have been reduced from 6.5 to 5.16% now.
- The monthly payment has been made to 31% of the gross monthly income of the owners. The banks cannot go above that.
- You can directly contact the bank through its loan modification department or by visiting the official website of the bank to apply for the mortgage modification.
- You can go to the counselors appointed by the US Housing & Urban Development department. These counselors would help you choose the right option. They do not even charge you any fees for the guidance provided to you. They act as your representative in front of the bank in the dealing.
So, the Federal Stimulus surely helps you refinance your mortgage provided that you take care of certain things.
Here are some points that help you getting mortgage refinance under Obama Stimulus Refinance Program
• Try to be polite during the dealings with the bank
• Draft the hardship letter if you have missed any of your monthly payments. Be sure that the situation does not arise that you get the 'Notice of Default.' After the notice it becomes a legal matter and it would worsen the situation for further negotiations with the bank.
• Keep your documents complete. The required documents include your tax details, credit details and expenses details.Obama Stimulus Program can help you provide if all the details are completed along with required documents attached to it.
To know more about Obama's Stimulus Refinance Programs and to check if you qualify

Oprah Not an Obama Follower on Twitter

Since joining Twitter Oprah has followed famous celebrities like Shaq, Hugh Jackson, and the Kutchers. However, there is one noteworthy person that she is not following. She is not following Barack Obama. Most would think that her first following would have been with Obama. After all Oprah is his number one fan. She pulled out all the stops to get him elected. Winfrey first endorsed Obama before he was even a candidate in September 2006. She made campaign appearances, and rallied behind Obama. So why is she not interested in Obama on Twitter?
There are two major Barack Obama sites on Twitter. The most followed is Barack Obama with over one million followers. The other is Obama News with around 99,000 followers. Moreover, Oprah has really gotten involved with Twitter. There are two main Oprah sites on Twitter. Her main Twitter site were she tweets. She started tweeting on April 17th and has already obtained over 800,000 followers. Next in line is O Magazine with over 45,000 followers. The best unofficial site is twitter.com/Oprah_Giveaways.
There are a couple of reasons I think that she does not follow Obama. First, Obama has not tweeted much since the campaign has been over. After the Inauguration there have only been 4 tweets. Obama'a tweets are very impersonal. They look like press releases. It would be nice if he actually tweeted on how he is doing. After all that's the slogan of Twitter . There have been a lot of Tweets on Obama News. However, the tweets on Obama News are not put out by Obama himself.
Another notable non following was Sarah Palin who at first did not follow John McCain. However, not long after the "non following" was blogged about she was following McCain. I'm sure as soon as this gets out it will only take a few seconds before Oprah is following Obama. Or perhaps she has abandoned Obama for Shaq Diesel 2012.

Obama Stimulus Money Dropping Mortgage Rates

There are some good effects of the so called Obama Stimulus money on mortgage rates. The present thirty year fixed mortgage rates have gone down to it's lowest in more than fifty years according to a report from Bankrate.com. This really signals the best time to get mortgage refinancing especially if you are on the higher end of an adjustable rate mortgage. President Obama's stimulus money that has provided relief to the largest financial institutions in the US is starting to show some signs that it is helping mortgage rates to go down.
This drop in mortgage rates was brought about by the stimulus money that the federal government is pumping into the financial sector. The financial sector needs more money as they are reeling form the economic slump. When mortgage rates dropped to near all time lows, this would be the best the time to get your mortgage refinancing in order. Since the announcement of the government to buy more than I trillion dollars worth of toxic assets from the affected banks and other lending companies, this will bring about increase liquidity and improve credit conditions.
The Federal lending rate is at all time low of 0 to .25 percent and this has made most of the lending institutions to lower their lending rates. And when that happens the borrowing rates will definitely go down and more affordable. Though it is still difficult to qualify for a mortgage refinancing since the lending policies and guidelines are so stringent. If they can only be relax or loosen up then I it will benefit a lot of Americans and thus give the increase consumer spending that the experts are looking for.
The previous lows are in June 2003 and this January 5.28 percent according to Bankrate.com. Now the 30 year fixed rate is holding at 5.19 which are very low compared to the low of 6.77 in October 2008. At that time a 200,000.00 thousand dollar home loan would have meant a monthly payment of 1299.86. Now with the current mortgage rates of 5.19 percent, the monthly payment for the same loan would be 1.096.99. (This was taken from the article by Catherine Clifford, CNNMoney.com staff). This really shows that the Obama stimulus money is lowering borrowing rates.
While most people are still skeptical about the Obama stimulus money to work well in lowering mortgage rates, this is evidently signs of progress in making lending more affordable and jumpstart the economic recovery. The dropping of the borrowing rate is attributable to the Obama stimulus money but that would still be open to debate. But the fact of the matter is the dropping cannot be denied as a result of the bail out and stimulus money being given to lenders and financial institutions.

Free Money is Available - Obama Would Like All Mothers to Finally Get Their Education

Free Money is Available - Obama Would Like All Mothers to Finally Get Their Education

Many mothers feel like they have lost the opportunity to return back-to-school, and this has been true for some time, but under the Obama administration, Pres. Obama is pro-women and would like all mothers to return back-to-school in order to get their education and achieve all their personal and educational goals.
If you are a mother, then you know that it can be hard to get free time to drive to campus to get an education. And all the time that is required is to be with the children you love can drain your energy to earn a substantial income to be a pay for school.
However, as a mother your ability of free money from grants and scholarships are immense.
Any money that you receive a scholarship or grant does not have to be paid back, which means that you can use it on expenses that are directly related to education and those that are not. This means that you can buy books or even take a small trip to see the college that you would like to attend.
If you do not want to travel to university, online education has made getting any bachelors degree possible. Scholarships that award up to $10,000 can be used to fund your dreams. this money can be used to purchase a computer if you decide to attend an online university. From your own home you can become anything from an art teacher to a nursing student. Prestigious colleges are now even offering online degrees for single mothers and mothers.
All single mothers and mothers should apply for both and a bomber government grant and a $10,000 scholarship for free.

Obama Wants All Mothers to Return to School So They Can Achieve Their Dreams

Many mothers and single moms would love to have a chance to return back to school that they are unable to because they lack money. The Obama administration is pro-women and wants all single mothers and mothers to return back to school so they can get the education they want and achieve their personal dreams and goals.
It can be extremely frustrating when you do not have any money and you would like to go to school to achieve your dreams.
Obama has made money available for grants and scholarships, and even private companies are jumping on the bandwagon to finally help single moments and mothers get into the school of their choice and the education they want.
As a mother your abilities to get free money are tremendous. Any money that you receive from a grant or scholarship does not have to be paid back a can be used anyway you wish. And the Internet has made online education accessible to all mothers who are unable to go to a college campus. Now there are hundreds of options for you at your own home to get a bachelors and Masters degree at your own comfort level without having to take your eyes off your children.
If you're not familiar with grants for mothers, there are hundreds of scholarships that will give you up to $10,000 to use for education expenses and non-education expenses. This means that you can buy books, a computer or even take a trip to the de-stress before you start your education.
There are many online accredited universities that offer a myriad of degrees from being an art teacher to becoming a nursing student. The money is free and your possibilities are immense under the Obama administration.
Every mom should apply for an Obama education grant and 10,000 or scholarship for free.

Obama's 'Moms Return to School' Government Grant Scholarship

Obama's 'Moms Return to School' Government Grant Scholarship
Did you know that the new US government is committed to helping single moms return to school? Many mothers are not aware that the Obama's 'Moms Return to School' Government Grant Scholarship is available, but there are big benefits to finding out as much as you can about this offer.
Despite the bad economy at the moment, now is a good a time as any to be considering going to college; especially if you are a mom. When the economy bounces back (which it always does), qualified workers are going to be in big demand. So having completed a degree is going to put you in prime position to get your ultimate job.
Here are some of the facts about the Obama mom scholarship and grants.
Federal Pell Grants
One of the first bills introduced by Obama, the Federal Pell Grants are being increased for low income students. That means the maximum grant allowed now is $5100 instead of $4050. There is even talk of raising it more. If you are a single mother then is one of the very best grants that you can get.
You can apply for this grant by choosing a college or university that you wish to attend. Make sure they are running your chosen program or course first.
You then fill out a deferral FAFSA form and have it submitted.
Tax Benefits for Studying Moms
Also keep in mind that the The American Opportunity Tax Credit program states that your first $4000 of higher education is free.
Grants for Online Study
You can certainly apply for Obama's 'Moms Return to School' Government Grant Scholarship program if you are choosing to study online instead of on campus. In fact, online study is the most chosen path for moms who want to be at home with their children whilst being able to study at the same time.
You can also search out other suitable scholarships and grants for you. Some are particularly suited to moms and single moms and can offer even more money than the Federal Pell Grant.

Jun 25, 2009

"Clean Energy, Green Jobs and Climate"

The Obama Administration is dispatching cabinet secretaries and senior officials around the country this week to highlight the need for comprehensive energy legislation that makes us more energy independent, reduces climate change-causing greenhouse gas emissions and creates millions of green jobs.

... In the lead up to the vote a diverse coalition of stakeholders have ramped up their efforts to build support for the bill. Late last week, the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, the Center for American Progress (CAP), Green for All and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released two reports that outline how investments in a clean-energy economy will produce significant economic and job creation benefits.

-- The Economic Benefits of Investing in Clean Energy: How the Economic Stimulus Program and New Legislation Can Boost U.S. Economic Growth and Employment: Report explains how the investment of $150 billion annually, through public spending and private investment, would produce a net gain of 1.7 million new jobs. CAP compiled state-by-state fact sheets of clean energy jobs creation.

-- Green Prosperity: How Clean-Energy Policies Can Fight Poverty and Raise Living Standards in the United States: Report shows that shifting from traditional fossil fuel to clean energy will improve the standard of living for millions of Americans across all skill and education levels, especially among lower-income families.

In Case You Missed It: Last week, the White House also released a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) about the potential impact of climate change in the United States. The report lays out – in layman’s terms – how failure to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will result in significant changes to temperatures, rainfall patterns and sea level. Grist.org had a good round up.

Last month, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (also known as Waxman-Markey), cleared the Energy and Commerce Committee. Yesterday the bill was added to the schedule for the House of Representatives, and could come up for a vote by the end of the week.

Jun 23, 2009

Open Thread: Fatherhood

Jun 19, 2009

LIVE: White House Health Reform Chat at 2:30 PM Eastern

Today, Nancy-Ann DeParle, Director of the White House Office of Health Reform, and Michael Hash, Senior Adviser in the Office of Health Reform, will be hosting a meeting with physicians to discuss the importance of health reform this year. The meeting is another in a series of White House Stakeholder Discussions, and the physicians will discuss how prevention and wellness initiatives can keep Americans healthy, help prevent disease and illness, and lower health care costs.

For this meeting, the White House is trying out a new online chat feature that will allow you to watch the event live and ask questions through Facebook or the White House website. You can participate in the chat and watch the discussion at http://apps.facebook.com/whitehouselive, or www.whitehouse.gov/live.

The discussion with physicians and our online chat will begin today at 2:30 PM Eastern.

Jun 18, 2009

Open Thread

PHOTO: President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet in the Oval Office Wednesday, June 10, 2009 with (from left) Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, (D-Mont.) Sen. Michael Enzi, (R-Wyo.) the ranking member on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Sen. Charles Grassley, (R-Iowa) the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Chris Dodd, (D-Conn.), the senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to discuss health care reform.

The President's Plan for Financial Regulatory Reform: "A careful balance"

Today President Obama announced the details of a proposed plan to reform the financial regulatory system, the culmination of a months-long process that included the President, his economic team, experienced regulators, and leaders in Congress. In his remarks, the President explained:

It is an indisputable fact that one of the most significant contributors to our economic downturn was a unraveling of major financial institutions and the lack of adequate regulatory structures to prevent abuse and excess. A culture of irresponsibility took root from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street. And a regulatory regime basically crafted in the wake of a 20th century economic crisis -- the Great Depression -- was overwhelmed by the speed, scope, and sophistication of a 21st century global economy.

...Now, we all know the result: the bursting of a debt-based bubble; the failure of several of the world's largest financial institutions; the sudden decline in available credit; the deterioration of the economy; the unprecedented intervention of the federal government to stabilize the financial markets and prevent a wider collapse; and most importantly, the terrible pain in the lives of ordinary Americans. And there are retirees who've lost much of their life savings, families devastated by job losses, small businesses forced to shut their doors.

Millions of Americans who've worked hard and behaved responsibly have seen their life dreams eroded by the irresponsibility of others and by the failure of their government to provide adequate oversight. Our entire economy has been undermined by that failure.

So the question is, what do we do now? We did not choose how this crisis began, but we do have a choice in the legacy this crisis leaves behind. So today, my administration is proposing a sweeping overhaul of the financial regulatory system, a transformation on a scale not seen since the reforms that followed the Great Depression.

...In these efforts, we seek a careful balance. I've always been a strong believer in the power of the free market. It has been and will remain the engine of America's progress -- the source of prosperity that's unrivaled in history. I believe that jobs are best created not by government, but by businesses and entrepreneurs who are willing to take a risk on a good idea. I believe that our role is not to disparage wealth, but to expand its reach; not to stifle the market, but to strengthen its ability to unleash the creativity and innovation that still make this nation the envy of the world.

That's our goal -- to restore markets in which we reward hard work and responsibility and innovation, not recklessness and greed; in which honest, vigorous competition is the system -- in the system is prized, and those who game the system are thwarted.

Some of the specifics outlined by the President in his proposal today included:

• Providing clear accountability in financial oversight and supervision. Financial institutions that are critical to market functioning should be subject to strong oversight. No financial firm that poses a significant risk to the financial system should be unregulated or regulated only weakly.

• Establishing comprehensive supervision of financial markets. Our major financial markets must be strong enough to withstand both system-wide stress and the failure of one or more large institutions.

• Protecting consumers and investors from financial abuse. To rebuild trust in our markets, we need strong and consistent regulation and supervision of consumer financial services and investment markets. We should base this oversight not on speculation or abstract models, but on actual data about how people make financial decisions. We must promote transparency, simplicity, fairness, accountability, and access.

• Providing the government with the tools it needs to manage financial crises. We need to be sure the government has the tools it needs to manage crises, if and when they arise, so that we are not left with untenable choices between bailouts and financial collapse.

Jun 11, 2009

Barack Obama's Family Tree

The Next Generation

Barack and Michelle have two children, Malia, now 10, and Sasha, 7.

Barack met his wife in the late 1980s, when the two worked at the prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin. They were married in 1992. Shortly thereafter, they spent a Christmas in Hawaii, where this photo was taken.

Sarah Obama, now 86, still resides in Kogelo. In this photo, she and Obama pose together outside her home in 1995.

Extended Family
On his father's side, Obama has numerous relatives. He has made several visits to the home of his step grandmother, Sarah Obama, front row, second from right. He also has four half brothers through his father.

Family Ties
When Ann returned to Indonesia, the young Barack remained behind in Hawaii, where he was raised by his maternal grandparents. He eventually attended Columbia University in New York, where this photo was taken in the 1980s.

Half Sister
Maya Soetoro, the daughter of Barack's mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro, sits beside the young Barack, Ann and grandfather Stanley Dunham in this photograph taken in Hawaii the early 1970s. Ann came back to Hawaii to attend graduate school in 1974 and remained until 1977, when she returned to Indonesia.

After the divorce, Barack Jr. only saw his father one more time, in Hawaii, in 1972, when this photograph was taken. The senior Barack then returned to Kenya, where he worked for a US oil company and the Kenyan government. He died in a car accident in 1982, at the age of 46.

The Young Obama
For the first six years of his life, Barack lived in Hawaii. In 1967, his mother remarried and the family moved to Indonesia.

Barack Sr. and Ann Dunham married in February, 1961 and Barack was born six months later. Their union did not last long, however. The marriage ended in divorce in early 1964.

Born in Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. came to the University of Hawaii in order to study for a degree in economics. This photograph hangs on the wall of his stepmother's house in Kogelo, Kenya.

Though she has signed this sophomore yearbook photograph of herself "Stanley" — her parents named her Stanley Ann at birth — Obama's mother was known as Ann for most of her life. After attending Mercer Island High School in Washington, she enrolled at the University of Hawaii, where she met Barack Obama, Sr.

Stanley and Madelyn Dunham pose with Obama's mother Ann in a photograph probably taken in the 1950s. Born in Kansas, Obama's maternal grandparents lived in four states before settling in Hawaii.


Louisa Eliza Stroup Dunham and Jacob Mackey Dunham are the candidate's great-great-great grandparents. A farmer in Tipton, County, Indiana in the 1870s, Jacob Dunham later owned restaurants and a confectionary in the Oklahoma Territory. He died in 1907.

Supreme Court Justice

Obama's distant cousin, Gabriel Duvall, was a member of the US House of Representatives, from the second district of Maryland. In 1811, he was appointed to the Supreme Court, where he sat until 1834. He was also a friend of Thomas Jefferson and the owner of 37 slaves.

Jun 1, 2009

Poll: Latino Voters Expect Great Things from Obama

Latino voters, who turned out in record numbers on Election Day to support Barack Obama, also have very high expectations for his presidency, according to a national bilingual poll by ImpreMedia and the NALEO Educational Fund. The poll, conducted by Latino Decisions between Nov. 6 and Nov. 13, offers an in-depth look at the hopes, expectations and key concerns of Latino voters. Some 800 Latino registered voters were surveyed, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent. These are some of the key findings:

The Latino Vote at the Polls
Immigrant voters and new voters comprised a sizeable share of the Latino vote this November. Nearly half (46 percent) of Latino voters were born outside of the United States or in Puerto Rico. One in every four (26 percent) Latino voters this election was voting in a presidential election for the very first time.

Partisanship and Candidate Choice
Nearly three in four Latino registered voters in 2008 identified themselves as “strong partisans” (70 percent). Among Latino registered voters 61 percent identified as Democrats, 17 percent Republicans, and 14 percent Independents. But only 8 percent of Latinos say they believe the Republican Party has more concern for the Latino community. Twenty-seven percent of Latino voters believe neither party is more concerned about the Latino community. This skepticism was more pronounced among Spanish speakers, where 31 percent believe there is no difference between either party in concern for Latinos.

Latino support for President-elect Barack Obama may have been higher than initially reported in exit poll data: 72 percent of Latino voters said they voted for Barack Obama and 25 percent reported voting for John McCain. Candidate support did vary by demographic group, with second-generation children of immigrants and Spanish speakers showing the strongest support for Obama, nearly 80 percent. John McCain received his strongest support, about one-third of the vote (34 percent), among third generation Latinos.

Post-Election Expectations and Priorities
Nearly two-thirds of Latino voters (67 percent) in this November’s election say fixing the economy is the most important issue they expect the new president and Congress to address. The economy ranked over other prevalent issues like health care (5 percent), immigration (6 percent), and the war in Iraq (6 percent).

However, expectations are still high when it comes to dealing with immigration reform. Overall, 68 percent of voters say that it is extremely important (41 percent) or very important (27 percent) for the immigration issue to be addressed within the first year of the new Democratic government.

Strong support for the president-elect and the new Democratic Congress comes with high expectations on the part of Latinos to see their communities do better over the next four years. Nearly 70 percent of Latino voters expect the situation for Latinos to improve under the Obama administration. Among immigrants these hopes are higher, with three of every four immigrant voters expecting their situation to improve under President Barack Obama.

50+1: A Federal Agenda for New York CITY

of great hope, and this year is certainly no exception. But the advent of the
Obama administration offers residents of New York and other city-dwellers
special grounds for optimism: that the period of years, if not decades, when
the federal government all but turned its back on the needs of urban communities
is finally at an end. President-elect Obama’s early pronouncements,
from creating a White House Office of Urban Policy to promising bold new
investments in infrastructure, education and alternative energy, suggest that
the new president understands something that many of his recent predecessors
clearly did not: what’s good for cities is good for America. New York is
the nation’s biggest city by population, economic activity, and cultural importance;
its success is inextricably linked to that of the country.
But if the Obama administration and the 111th Congress appear to present an
exciting opportunity for cities, exactly how should policymakers in New York
and other urban centers seek to capitalize on this?
In the pages that follow, we lay out 51 specific recommendations for what the
federal government could do to help New York City. These ideas range from
taking immediate steps to ensure that the 2010 Census does not undercount
New York and providing anti-terror funds to localities based on risk rather
than politics, to accelerating the rollout of new air traffic control technology
to reduce flight delays and streamlining the visa process to make it easier for
artists to enter the country. While our recommendations are squarely focused
on New York, many if not most of them would bring great benefit to cities and
metropolitan regions across the United States.

There’s no question that New York could use a helping
hand from Washington. Even before the current
economic downturn, the city lacked the resources to adequately
address mounting problems of aging public infrastructure,
housing shortages, traffic congestion, environmental
pollution and growing economic inequality.
Over the last eight years, however, these and other issues
were eclipsed in Washington by other priorities.
Cities fell short in the small print of budget documents
as well as the large headlines of politics and policy: as
this report details, New York has been repeatedly shortchanged
in federal funding formulas. The late Senator
Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York documented in
his annual “balance of payments” reports that New York
sends much more to Washington in tax payments that
it receives back in spending; the imbalance is now estimated
at $10.9 billion per year.
The new president takes office after a stretch when
cities were repeatedly and systematically disadvantaged
in federal policymaking. Just a few examples are sufficient
to illustrate the general trend of painfully inadequate
federal resources to address issue areas of vital
importance to New York City:
• Federal support for mass transit has stayed roughly
flat since the start of the decade, even as ridership nationwide
surged by approximately 13 percent over the
same period. New York City, with a mass transit system
equal in size to the next ten largest systems combined,
has seen a much larger percentage increase as its population
surged; total ridership on buses and subways rose
by 36 percent between 1995 and 2005, and subway ridership
has continued to rise since then, setting an alltime
record in 2007. While the federal government is
not primarily to blame for the Metropolitan Transportation
Authority’s current fiscal problems, Washington’s
chronic failure to adequate support public transportation
has sorely limited the MTA’s ability to expand and
maintain the system.
• On housing, the Bush administration drastically reduced
funding for public housing, contributing to rent
hikes, service cutbacks and a nearly $6 billion backlog
in capital work at the New York City Housing Authority
(NYCHA), whose buildings are home to 403,500 lowincome
New Yorkers. The administration also badly
neglected the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) and underfunded the projectbased
Section 8 program by nearly $3 billion, dealing
a profound blow to one of the nation’s most critical affordable
housing programs at a time when demand for
low-income housing in New York and the nation far outstrips
supply. Additionally, President Bush repeatedly
attempted to cut off funds to the Community Development
Block Grant program, which provides roughly $200
million a year to New York City for affordable housing,
subsidized day care services and economic development
in low-income communities.
• Despite near-universal recognition that the smarts and
skills of American workers will determine the country’s
success or failure in the globally competitive knowledge
economy, Washington in this decade has cut funding for
the country’s education and job training infrastructure
virtually across the board. The Bush administration reduced
funding for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
by roughly $2 billion, with New York City’s job training
and employment services programs taking among
the biggest hit. The administration also did virtually
nothing as the gap continued to widen between average
household wages and the cost of a college degree.
In New York City, where the high cost of doing business
places even greater importance on knowledge and
skills, this pattern of indifference or hostility to federal
programs that build human capital has been especially
In many instances, the Bush administration proposed
to eliminate or drastically reduce funding for
programs vital to everyday life in New York and other
cities, from Amtrak to microenterprise programs. More
often than not, Congress restored some or all of the proposed
cuts, but the constant defensive posture of urban
mayors and legislators in the annual federal budget fight
rendered them unable to craft new initiatives to address
other priorities. Partly as a result, longtime areas of
need, from interventions to reduce poverty to shoring
up infrastructure, went largely or entirely unaddressed.
Washington’s disdain for the priorities of cities like
New York was not limited to traditional areas of concern
to urban advocates. The absence of federal leadership
on a number of additional issues has meant that many
problems not generally thought of as “city issues” continued
to fester, to the point that they too now command
the attention and concern of leaders at the local level.
These include health care, energy policy, and immigration.
New York City’s health care costs are among the
highest of any local areas, and the state’s Medicaid obligations—
determined by an illogical federal formula—
now threaten to overwhelm a budget under severe strain

from the recession. The city’s energy infrastructure, famously
shown to be vulnerable during the blackout of
2003, remains precarious, and the fluctuating price of
fuel has placed an additional burden on the budgets of
working families. And the stalemate at the federal level
on immigration policy has meant that immigrant gateways
like New York City, where 37 percent of the population
is foreign born, face the real costs and challenges
of educating immigrant students and integrating workers
with limited or no English language mastery into the
local workforce without significant federal help.
In the 2008 presidential campaign, some candidates
offered much talk about “the real America,” often
with an implied—or explicit—sneer at urban centers
like ours. But the outcome of that election reaffirmed
the centrality of cities to our national life and culture.
Indeed, we settled on 51 recommendations in this report—
and used the title “50+1”—as a reference to New
York’s singular stature and importance to the rest of the
nation. As just one example, the U.S. Bureau of Economic
Analysis recently found that the New York City
metropolitan area’s economy contributed 9.1 percent of
the nation’s gross domestic product—far more than any
other region—even though it contained only 6.6 percent
of the U.S. population.
President-elect Obama, himself a lifelong resident
of cities, has sent some encouraging signals that he understands
this dynamic and intends to free up more resources
to strengthen urban areas. But having a friendlier
audience in Washington is only the first step.

up is delivering on a range of laws, policy initiatives and
funding formulas.
We thought New York would be well-served to have
a set of policy recommendations ready to go when the
new president takes office. Our aim was to develop a
set of policy recommendations derived from independent
research that encompass a wide range of the most
critical issue areas affecting New York—including public
safety, transportation infrastructure, economic and community
development, housing, immigration, education,
workforce development, reducing poverty and building
assets, energy and the environment, health, the arts and
consumer protection. Indeed, the recommendations in
this report—the inaugural publication of the Center for
an Urban Future’s Fair Share New York project, an initiative
that will include ongoing research about whether
New York City is treated equitably by the federal and
state governments—were selected after considerable
background research, including several dozen interviews
with academics, nonprofit practitioners, business
leaders and city and state government officials.
Clearly, these 51 recommendations represent only a
small share of the actions the federal government could
take to positively impact New York. And undoubtedly,
the nation’s precarious economic and fiscal situation
will preclude the Obama administration from acting on
many of these recommendations early in his term. But
with change in Washington just around the corner, our
hope is that these recommendations serve as a menu of
what can be done to bolster New York and the nation.

The Center for an Urban Future is a New York City-based think tank dedicated to independent, fact-based research
about critical issues affecting New York’s future including economic development, workforce development,higher education
and the arts. For more information or to sign up for our monthly e-mail bulletin, visit www.nycfuture.org. This
report is the inaugural publication of the Center for an Urban Future’s Fair Share New York project, an initiative that
will feature ongoing research about whether New York City is treated equitably by the federal and state governments.
This report was written by Jonathan Bowles, Tara Colton, David Jason Fischer, David Giles and Jim O’Grady. Research
assistance provided by Roy Abir, Anne Gleason, Kyle Hatzes and Morgan Schofield.
The Center for an Urban Future is a project of City Futures, Inc. General operating support for City Futures has
been provided by Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation, The Citi Foundation, Deutsche Bank, The F.B. Heron
Foundation, Fund for the City of New York, Salesforce Foundation, The Scherman Foundation, Inc., and Unitarian
Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock.
City Futures Board of Directors: Andrew Reicher (Chair), Margaret Anadu, Michael Connor, Russell Dubner, Ken Emerson,
David Lebenstein, Gail O. Mellow, Gifford Miller, Lisette Nieves, Ira Rubenstein, John Siegal, Stephen Sigmund,
Karen Trella, Peter Williams and Mark Winston Griffith.

Questions over suitability of Barack Obama's treasury secretary after failure to pay taxes

It has also been disclosed that Mr Geithner, who played a key role within the US Federal Reserve's recent efforts to reduce the impact of the American economic crisis, employed a housekeeper who did not have the right to work in the US for a short-period of time.

The two separate developments caused a stir ahead of Mr Geithner's grilling before the Senate Finance Committee on Friday, at which politicians will consider his suitability for the role.

However committee chairman Senator Max Baucus said he plans to go ahead with the hearing unless a member objects.

"I am disappointed in the errors found in Tim Geithner's tax returns and other information, but I am satisfied that Mr Geithner has taken the steps necessary to fix these problems, said the Senator in a statement.

"The president-elect needs a Treasury secretary on day one. We have to roll up our sleeves and get this economy moving again for the American people, and Tim Geithner has the right combination of experience and skill for these difficult economic times."

Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer also defended Mr Geithner: "Tim came to the committee, admitted he had made some mistakes and was very contrite."

Mr Geithner failed to pay self-employment payroll taxes from 2001-04, when he worked at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C, something which was first brought to his attention during a 2006 audit of his taxes by the Internal Revenue Service.

As a result of the lapse in 2003 and 2004, he paid tax and interest of $17,230 and the IRS waived any penalties.

But during the vetting process carried out by the Obama administration ahead of his selection as Treasury Secretary-designate, it was discovered that the same lapse had taken place in 2001 and 2002, leading him to pay $25,970 in back-taxes and interest.

Mr Geithner met with members of the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday to discuss the issue, however it remains uncertain whether the news will affects his chances of being approved come Friday's hearing.

The issue was first thought to have been brought to the attention of Senator Baucus by Senator Charles Grassley, the senior Republican on the committee.

However Robert Gibbs, the president-elect's official spokesman, said: "The president-elect chose Tim Geithner to be his Treasury Secretary because he's the right person to help lead our economic recovery during these challenging times."

His "service should not be tarnished by honest mistakes, which, upon learning of them, he quickly addressed," Mr Gibbs continued.

In addition, Mr Grassley is understood to have raised the question of the legal status of a non-US citizen who worked as a housekeeper at Mr Geithner's New York home in 2004 and 2005.

The woman's legal status was verified when she was first hired, but Mr Geithner is believed to have been unaware that her US employment authorisation expired three months before she finished working for his family.

Obama's Treasury secretary owed $26K in taxes, but it's OK

Uh, it seems that Democrat Barack Obama's secretary of the Treasury-designate owed something like $34,000 in back taxes when he was picked to head the nation's financial system.

Uh, it seems Timothy Geithner owed the back taxes because the would-be member of the president's new Cabinet employed a housekeeper who became an illegal immigrant while working for him. And Geithner did not pay self-employment taxes for several years until the IRS audited him.

It seems the Obama transition team discovered the back taxes while researching the nominee, unlike the federal grand jury investigation of now former would-be secretary of Commerce-designate Bill Richardson.

Democratic President-elect Barack Obama's secretary of the Treasury-designate Timothy Geithner who owed thousands of dollars in back taxes to the IRS

It seems that such legal problems have derailed would-be Cabinet members in the past -- think Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood for Bill Clinton and Linda Chavez for George W. Bush.

It seems that Obama spokesmen are calling the nonpayment of thousands of dollars in back taxes for years a minor thing. One news report described it as "a speed bump." Sam Stein over at HuffingtonPost calls it an "embarrassing public relations headache" but really a mistake "quite common in nature."

For a secretary of the Treasury? A Federal Reserve president? Somebody who, now that Bill Richardson is stuck in Santa Fe, is gonna mastermind the economic recovery?

Oh, and for someone whose department includes the Internal Revenue Service?

It seems that the Obama team's talking points focus on the words "honest mistakes."

Incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says of Geithner, "He's dedicated his career to our country and served with honor, intelligence and distinction. That service should not be tarnished by honest mistakes, which, upon learning of them, he quickly addressed."

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he understands "honest mistakes." Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, who like Reid and Obama happens to be a Democrat, also calls Geithner's tax failures "honest mistakes" and still expects his confirmation on Obama's inauguration day.

As part of Washington's new policy of government transparency, Baucus and other committee members met with Geithner behind closed doors today.

"These errors were not intentional," Baucus added. How, BTW, do you tell that after the fact?

So you're a bank president walking out of the store with a $34,000 candy bar you did not pay for. A large person with a gun points that out. So you pay the $34 Gs. And that makes it obviously unintentional and an "honest mistake"?

Remember now, Harry Reid is the fine fellow who vowed last month that no Senate appointee of Illinois' legally troubled Gov. Rod Blagojevich would ever be seated. Tomorrow, Reid will welcome Blagojevich's appointee, Roland Burris, to the U.S. Senate and to Obama's vacant seat.

Also, here's a Washington political danger alert for the new Obama transition team. The canny Reid, who's got his own reelection next year, vowed he still supports the Treasury nominee. Second danger signal: Reid added, "I do not know Mr. Geithner well."
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