Apr 30, 2009

Barack Obama—The shining pole star of the contemporary American politics

Barack Obama, the new star on the American political scene, was born in the province of Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. His father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and brought up in a small village in Kenya, where he spent his days herding goats in the company of his father, who in turn was a domestic servant to the British colonisers.

His mother, Ann Dunham, on the other hand grew up in the small-town locality of Kansas. Her father was a worker in the oil rigs during the days of Depression in the 30's; and then enrolled himself for World War II after the nationalistically percussive Pearl Harbor incident. There he marched across the whole of Europe in Patton's army. While her mother went on to work in a bomber assembly line. After the war, they got their education in the G.I. Bill, purchased a house with the help of Federal Housing Program, and moved west to settle in Hawaii.

In fact it has been the richly varied experiences of Barack Obama's life--growing up at different places in the company of those people who had differing opinions-- that have animated as well as facilitated his political journey which has almost taken him to the forefront of greatest political glory in the world. Pleasantly embroiled in the tentative partisanship and bickering of today's public debate, the new political star still believes in the capability to unite all people of all castes, creeds and classes around a mammoth and powerful focus of 'politics of purpose'--a brand of politics that puts resolving of the challenges of common Americans ahead of partisan politics and narrow-minded gains.

While in the Illinois State Senate, it meant working constructively with both the Democrats and Republicans to help the working families move on by creating plans like the State Earned Income Tax Credit, which in a span of three years bestowed over $100 million in tax cuts to the really needy families across the state. Following the path of political prudence, he also successfully saw through the expansion of early childhood education; and once a number of inmates on death sentence were found to be innocent, Senator Obama collaborated with the law enforcement officials to make it mandatory for the videotaping of all the interrogations and confessions in most of the capital cases.

Working very diligently in the U.S. Senate, he focused on squaring up to the challenges of a globalized society in the 21st century using fresh thinking and a type of politics that no longer aims for the lowest common denominator of narrow and parochial demands. His first and most important law was cleared with Republican Tom Coburn. It dealt with a measure to reconstruct trust in the government by enabling every American to go online and watch how and on what every part of their tax dollars is spent. He has also been the leading voice in championing the cause of ethics reform that rooted out Jack Abramoff-type corruption in the Congress.

Barack Obama The New Face of American by Martin Dupuis And Keith Boeckelman is a great book capturing the politically active masterful saga of the great politician. It is really a fantastic tribute to the pre-eminent political personality of the current times.

The author is a specialist in retail writing. Her writing skills reflect the outcome of years of exposure to the retail industry. Working with retail giants as a consultant has enriched her knowledge base and her passion for writing got fire. She can be read regularly on RetailsDirect.com. For details please visit: www.retailsdirect.com Sea of Poppies

Obama, Brown Call for Global Unity on Economic Crisis

U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are calling for global unity as world leaders gather in London for an emergency economic summit. The two leaders downplayed differences on steps to reverse the current economic slide.

The president says no one country can fix the economic crisis.

Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama shake hands following a news conference at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, 01 Apr 2009Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama shake hands following a news conference at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, 01 Apr 2009

Speaking just hours before the start of the G20 meeting of major economies, Mr. Obama stressed the need for all participants to seek common ground.

"I am absolutely confident that this meeting will reflect enormous consensus about the need to work together to deal with these problems," said Mr. Obama.

But there are signs of tension, as the G20 summit prepares to begin its work in London. Some countries are blaming the United States for sparking the economic crisis through the deregulation of its financial scene - a move that led to a credit crunch and sparked an economic recession.

The president says the United States has made mistakes, but so too did other countries whose regulatory systems could not keep pace with a changing financial sector. He says it is time to look for solutions.

"At this point, I am less interested in identifying blame, than in fixing the problem," he said.

At home, Mr. Obama has focused on government spending to jump start the economy and he was expected to urge other nations to take similar steps at the economic summit.

France and Germany have balked at such action, saying the emphasis should be on regulatory reform. French President Nicholas Sarkozy even told an interviewer that he might walk out of the summit, if nations fail to agree on stricter regulation of global financial markets.

President Obama says reports of differences are overstated. And, Prime Minister Brown predicts no one will walk away from the summit and its important work.

"I am confident President Sarkozy will not be here for the first course of our dinner, but will still be sitting as we complete our dinner this evening," said Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown says everyone knows the stakes are high.

"Never before has the world come together in this way to talk about an economic crisis," he said. " Any of the crises we have seen since the second World War, you have not had this level of international cooperation."

On his first European tour as president, Barack Obama is seeking cooperation on both the economic and security front as he holds bilateral talks on the sidelines of the London summit.

His discussions with Gordon Brown also covered the new American strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran and the search for Middle East peace.

At their joint news conference, Mr. Obama also talked about efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons - an issue that is topping the agenda for his discussions here with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.

Barack Obama Antichrist Facts

The 2008 US presidential race was a wild one. The anti-opposing candidate ads and campaigns have been getting more and more elaborate and as history shows, it's not a rare occurrence. Presidents and presidential candidates have been called antichrists for as long as my memory goes so it doesn't surprise me that this label is now attributed to Barack Obama. There are countless websites dedicated to the Barack Obama the Antichrist

I need to make one thing clear before I continue on - I am not an Obama voter. Democrats did not getting my vote. But guess what - neither did Republicans. This is not because I decided not to exercise my civic right to vote, it is because I'm not a US citizen. I do not live in the US either, but as a citizen of Canada, a country that has so many ties with the US, what goes on south of the border is of an interest to me. Just don't call me biased. I'm not an Obama blind sheep, nor am I a McCain string puppet. I do not like either of them and don't envy my American friends who had to choose between those two.

But let's not dwindle away from Barack Obama and websites that claim he's an antichrist. Because of massive following of what appears to be blind-folded worshippers, for each Obama Antichrist website there is a website debunking the antichrist claims. Both of them are rather ridiculous, both lacking solid arguments, both can be ultimately debunked.

By taking a closer look at what those who believe that Barack Obama is an antichrist base their assertions upon it is easy to see where they're coming from. Characteristics of Barack Obama simply fit the profile of an antichrist more than characteristics of any other man alive:

* Charismatic
* Internationally popular
* Leader of people
* Muslim descent
* Capable of making people follow him blindly

And that's not the end of the list. If you also consider his real motives for becoming the president and an undying desire to be "the first" you'll get at best a questionable politician, and at the most extreme an antichrist. Barack Obama is an opportunist who's favored by Lady Luck. He's well aware of it and when the opportunity struck, he grabbed at it firmly and didn't let go. He got what he wanted - power and money.

It’s not only Americans who believe Barack Obama is the antichrist. As a Canadian who is active in public life I have met with many fellow Canucks who share the same belief. When I asked around what made them think so, the most common answer was that Mr. Obama was largely funded and supported by the same bankers and shady organizations that control America and are believed to be behind the New World Order. Considering how much money and media brainwash he received from these cartels, it is not unnatural to think that they will expect something in return. It is also possible that Barack Obama is their extended hand set to high place in order to execute their orders.

If that happens to be the case, if Barack Obama is hand in hand with the New World Order and if he is in fact an antichrist, then it'll be his task to finalize The North American Union and introduction of Amero as the official currency of Canada, the United States and Mexico. When all this falls in place, this person, this possible antichrist, this Barack Obama will be ruling my home country of Canada too. And that's what Canadians I have spoken with are afraid of the most.

I do not know whether Barack Obama is the antichrist or not, but even a slight chance of having an antichrist as my ruler makes me feel uneasy. I can only hope that good will eventually prevail, cause I'm not willing to join the army of antichrist's minions.

Canadian social networking site Alberta Stars has an on going discussion forum about Barack Obama The Antichrist with great responses from Canadians, Americans and people from other nations. There's also an interesting read about it on Beer Steak Blog titled Barack Obama Antichrist Scripture.

What Hollywood star supports Obama?

The Election Day for USA president will be held on November 4th, 2008. Do you know who you will select to be a new President of America? Anyway, we have new information about the Hollywood stars who have publicly voiced their supports to either Republican or Democrat parties. Let's check out which Hollywood stars are Democrats and which Hollywood stars are Republicans and also the reasons why they choose that party, in case they can help you make easier decision before the election day arrives.

Let's start with Hollywood Republicans:

There are many superstars supporting McCain like Jon Voight. Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie's daddy, always supports Republican. Voight claimed that McCain is an amazing guy who will keep the country "safe with prosperity and he claimed that Barack Obama, the Democrat candidate, is the least experienced of anyone who's ever run for president.

Secondly is Angie Harmon, the former Law & order star claimed that "There are a lot more people in Los Angeles voting for McCain than you think. We have an underground Republican Party!"

Continue with Kurt Russell, he is same with Jon Voight because he's one of the actors who are often listed as a Hollywood Republican but he later claimed that he's not a Republican, he's a Libertarian. Kurt Russell said that he believes in limited constitutional government. Freedom, freedom, freedom. Being a libertarian, he does believe that limited government is good, that's why he supports McCain.

Shannon Doherty, she is a real Hollywood Republican which you can see from what she said back in 1993: "The thing is that this is a free country, and nobody should be criticized for their political beliefs. We're all allowed to have our opinions. I'm a conservative. I was an avid supporter of Ronald Reagan; I thought he was fabulous... I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats. I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with that fact that I'm a Republican" Yes, If you are a conservative, no doubt that you are a Republican.

Bruce Willis, he support McCain as same as he supported the war in Iraq and the campaign for George W. Bush in the 2000 election.

More with the list of Hollywood Republicans: Freddie Prinze Jr. and his wife, Sarah Michelle Gellar -- They are the conservative couples and Freddie was also on Team Dubya in 2004 as well.

Rick Shcroder -- He is a long-time Hollywood conservative as well.

Vince Vaughn -- This Hollywood star might surprise you that he's a Republican but yes, he really is a Republican.

Heather Locklear, Mel Gibson and The rock -- All three stars claimed that they are all Hollywood's conservatives.

Lou Ferrigno, the thing can prove that he supports McCain is that he attended the Hollywood fundraiser for McCain at the Beverly Hills Hilton in 2008.

Heidi Montag -- the Hills Drama queen

Adam Sandler -- The Comedian Hollywood Star is also supporting McCain.

Robert Duvall, Gary Sinise, Jon Cryer, Sylvester Stallone, Kelsey Grammer, Jessica Simpson, James Caan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Curt Schilling

Now let's take a look to know who are Hollywood Democrats.

George Clooney -- He admires Obama and told the reporters at the Venice Film Festival, "You've been in a room once in a while with a rock star. He walks into the world, and he takes your breath away". Yes, that's what Clooney describe about Obama.

Scarlett Johansson -- the thing which makes this gorgeous Hollywood more special than other Hollywood Democrats is that she and Obama are e-mail pals. She claimed that it's amazing.

Matt Damon -- you will understand why he supports Obama by reading his quote "Mostly because I don't like the path this country's on, and if McCain is elected we'll be continuing down that same path."

Kim Kardashian -- she has been photographed wearing an Obama T-shirt once, so no doubt that she is supporting Obama. She claimed that she had dinner with Obama once, and he just seemed very firm about the change and that's his motto.

Robert De Niro -- He supports Obama at a February rally in New Jersey. He claimed that Obama is the person who has inspired him, has given him hope and has made him believe that US people can make a change.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner -- Ben claimed that there are lots of things he loves about Obama.

Chris Rock -- Chris insisted with Larry King in September that he doesn't support Barack Obama because he's black. But there's a proud feeling because of the character of the man.

Ryan Philippe -- he was another Hollywood star who was spotted wearing an Obama T-shirt same as Kim Kardashian. He used the benefit while being trailed by the paparazzi by holding up an Obama sign when any of the paparazzi tried to snap his photo. Good Advertiser he is.

Halle Berry -- The Oscar-winning and newbie mum is a strongly supporter of Obama. She claimed that she will do whatever Obama says to do. She will collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear. Wow, now you can see how much effort she has on supporting Obama.

Kal Penn -- "Harold and Kumar star claimed that Barack Obama inspired him, He's not a registered democrat, but he is campaigning for Obama at the colleges and high schools across America. He said "I was really inspired by Barack. I haven't been that inspired since hearing my grandparents tell stories about marching with Gandhi."

Other Hollywood Democrats are Perez Hilton, Kate Walsh, Kerry Washington, Edward Norton, J.J. Abrams, Oprah Winfrey, Pamela Anderson Blake Lively & Penn Badgley, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Susan Sarandon and Sheryl Crow.

President Usurper Obama

President Usurper Obama,
Have you no fear of God? Do you consider yourself greater than Nimrod? Don't you know the Tower of Babel fell? That Satan was cast down from Heaven as a reject after lifting himself up so high?

President Usurper Obama,
Don't you know that according to the ethnocentric Bible (with its focus on the family of Jacob) you are a fraud and a foreigner - a Gentile - who has no right to occupy the White House? Not only because you've been proud and stubborn and failed to respect the legitimate concerns of Americans who demand proof you are a natural born citizen, showing contempt for our Constitution and those who hold it dear, but because Manifest Destiny decrees this a White Israelite country (that has blessed every color and creed willing to submit to that fact).

President Usurper Obama,
REPENT and resign, and return to Africa where you belong or be driven from office in God's good time with a plague upon your house.

A Bible-believing Christian and legitimate American,
David Ben-Ariel

Obama wants your...

Not long ago I was talking to someone about wealth, and he had an interesting thought. He said to me that in order to become successful, I was not supposed to covet another person’s money they make. When I asked him why, he said it was just something he learned.

He quoted me thus: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor”. That is one of the 10 Commandments of God. Exodus 20:17.

One of the things that my neighbors who work at AIG have or own is the salary and wages they earn. Now when a man or woman works, his or her wages and or salary are not considered to be a gift to him or her. Nope. They are considered to be an obligation from the employer to the employee. See Romans 4:4.

Obama, the Muslim Marxist Shah of America

Monday, March 16, 2009: Before I talk about the new steps we’re taking to get credit flowing to small businesses across our country, I want to comment on the news about executive bonuses at AIG. This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat? In the last six months, AIG has received substantial sums from the US Treasury. I’ve asked Secretary Geithner to use that leverage and pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole. Clearly we have a licensed lawyer, who also happens to be the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America, claim that my neighbors, the AIG employees, they don’t “warrant” their wages in the form of bonuses. In fact, the property they own (the bonuses) is an outrage.

So to fix this outrage, the licensed lawyer from Illinois said that he has ordered the Treasury Secretary to “...pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole”.

Employment and Labor law contracts have to be honored

Unfortunately I do have to state the obvious. Under state and federal law, and the Bible, the employees wages are do to be paid. It doesn’t matter where the employer obtained the money from to pay the employees, the employees must be paid their wages.

Thus, the alleged Christian lawyer, Obama, is clearly inciting the Congress, the Treasury Secretary, and the American people to covet the wages of the AIG employees. And the way we are going to covet what my neighbors own is to become outraged at the payment of their wages based on where the employer made his money.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 18th and 19th of March, 2009, there were reports that the AIG employees were so in fear of their personal safety that there had to be armed guards stationed at their work place. Then on Thursday, March 19, 2009, the United States House of Representatives passed a bill that would basically target the AIG employees, and tax them so much so that their earned wages in the form of bonuses would be taken away from them.

Even bimbo lawyers, oops...I mean “legal experts” agree this is unlawful. In a Fox News online piece written on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, it stated:

But legal scholars say Congress will have a tough time defending itself in court if it goes down that road. Not only would Congress be retroactively meddling with contractual agreements, they say, but it would be passing laws that would essentially target a specific group of employees. The legal short of it is: there are state and federal employment and labor laws involved. Not to mention the United States Constitution prohibitions on bills of attainder and ex post facto laws.

More importantly, what do you think about this?

For as a man thinks, so is he. Proverbs 23:7. “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”. Matthew 12:34.

When Osama Obama, Congress, and the Treasury Secretary began the hate and covet fest against my neighbors, I asked God what He thought about all this. Without a moment’s hesitation God replied to me “So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against...those who defraud laborers of their wages...”. Malachi 3:5

The way my neighbors at AIG are being defrauded is as follows. At the formation of their contracts they were promised X dollars for Y work based on A,B, and C. Now the company has new owners who are saying, in effect, “Thanks for the work but we won’t pay you as agreed”.

What are the values that the “chosen one” Obama has. What is in his heart and mind? I thought you would never ask!!!

Those values are to consider his neighbors wages as a violation of Obama and company’s “fundamental values”. And the violation of Obama and company’s fundamental values was so disturbing to him that he was “...choked up with anger here”. See Yahoo news dated March 16, 2009, entitled “Obama: Block AIG bonuses”.

Obama, his Congress, and the Treasury Secretary have been amazingly successful in getting the American people to covet their neighbors wages. A Rasmussen poll result released March 19, 2009, says about 76% of Americans covet their neighbors bonuses (read wages).

In other words, we have Obama inciting people to covet other people’s possessions. Obama is shown to be inciting others to sin against God.

Back to successful living

For discussion sake, let’s say that Obama is a Christian. We saw that by him personally coveting his neighbors wages or other possessions was a sin.

We also saw that Obama personally and through his administration has incited 76% of Americans to covet and hate their neighbors because of their wages. Within that 76% of Americans who covet with Obama, a certain percentage are true Christians. Does God have anything to say about one Christian leading others into sin?

Jesus said, “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves”. Luke 17:1-3.

If Obama were a Christian you would see and hear him repent publicly. The Holy Spirit would torment him day and night until he repented and tried to get as many children of God to repent as well. So just keep your eyes and ears out for this. If it happens.

Get ready for bad stuff to happen

Why should you get ready for bad stuff to happen to you and the country? Very simple. God said he would personally come close to us for judgment. See Malachi 3:5 above. He would stand up for the employees whose wages have been taken away from them by fraud. By Obama and company.

And there is nothing that Obama can do to help you. Hope is not on its way. Judgment is.

Obama the muslim

By examining the fruit of Obama, it is clear that he is not a Christian. He is a fallen muslim. He is Satan’s son. The “chosen one”. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Are you going to serve Satan and Obama by coveting and hating your neighbors because of what they make in wages? Or are you going to serve God and his son Jesus Christ by shunning evil. By not coveting and hating your neighbor?

Michelle Obama plays unique role in campaign

Campaigning for Barack Obama

Although Michelle Obama has campaigned on her husband's behalf since early in his political career by handshaking and fund-raising, she did not relish the activity at first. When she campaigned during her husband's 2000 run for U.S. House of Representatives, her boss at the University of Chicago asked if there was any single thing about campaigning that she enjoyed; after some thought, she replied visiting so many living rooms had given her some new decorating ideas.

In May 2007, three months after her husband declared his presidential candidacy, she reduced her professional responsibilities by eighty percent to support his presidential campaign. Early in the campaign, she had limited involvement in which she traveled to political events only two days a week and traveled overnight only if their daughters could come along. In early February 2008, she attended thirty-three events in eight days. She has made at least two campaign appearances with Oprah Winfrey. Obama writes her own speeches and speaks without notes.

In 2007, Michelle gave stump speeches for her husband's presidential campaign at various locations in the United States. Jennifer Hunter of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote about one speech of hers in Iowa, "Michelle was a firebrand, expressing a determined passion for her husband's campaign, talking straight from the heart with eloquence and intelligence." She employs an all-female staff of aides for her political role. She says that she negotiated an agreement in which her husband gave up smoking in exchange for her support of his decision to run. About her role in her husband's presidential campaign she has said: "My job is not a senior adviser." During the campaign, she has discussed race and education by using motherhood as a framework.

The presidential campaign was her first exposure to the national political scene and even before the field of Democratic candidates was narrowed to two she was considered the least famous of the candidates' spouses. Early in the campaign, she exhibited her ironic humor and told anecdotes about the Obama family life. However, as the press began to emphasize her sarcasm, which did not translate well in the print media, she toned it down. A New York Times op-ed columnist, Maureen Dowd, wrote:

I wince a bit when Michelle Obama chides her husband as a mere mortal—comic routine that rests on the presumption that we see him as a god ... But it may not be smart politics to mock him in a way that turns him from the glam JFK into the mundane Gerald Ford, toasting his own English muffin. If all Senator Obama is peddling is the Camelot mystique, why debunk this mystique?

Asked in February 2008 whether she could see herself "working to support" Hillary Rodham Clinton if she got the nomination, Michelle Obama said "I'd have to think about that. I'd have to think about policies, her approach, her tone." When questioned about this by the interviewer, however, she stated "You know, everyone in this party is going to work hard for whoever the nominee is."

Despite her criticisms of Clinton during the 2008 campaign, when asked in 2004 which political spouse she admired, Obama cited Hillary Clinton, stating, "She is smart and gracious and everything she appears to be in public—someone who's managed to raise what appears to be a solid, grounded child."

On October 6, 2008 Larry King Live Obama was asked if the American electorate is past the Bradley effect. She stated that Barack's achievement of the nomination was a fairly strong indicator that it is. The same night she also was interviewed by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show where she deflected criticism of her husband and his campaign.Her first Daily Show appearance came after her husband had made three such appearances.

The Obamas enjoy a victory fist bump upon his winning the Democratic nomination. (2008-06-03) Obama was involved in two of a trio of references to Barack Obama by Fox News that were controversial. On June 11, 2008 during an interview with conservative columnist Michelle Malkin about whether Michelle Obama had been the target of unfair criticism, the network flashed a chevron that showed the message "Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama’s baby mama," which implied that Michelle Obama was not married to the father of her children. Because Barack and Michelle Obama are lawfully married to each other, the network recognized the poor judgment of its own producer in an official statement made to The Politico. Earlier on E. D. Hill's Fox News show America's Pulse, Hill referred to the affectionate fist bump shared by the Obamas on the night that he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination as a "terrorist fist jab." In June 2008, Hill was removed from her duties on the specific show, which was then canceled.

Throughout the campaign, the media often labeled Obama as an "angry black woman," and some websites attempted to propagate this perception, causing her to respond: "Barack and I have been in the public eye for many years now, and we've developed a thick skin along the way. When you’re out campaigning, there will always be criticism. I just take it in stride, and at the end of the day, I know that it comes with the territory."By the time of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in August, media outlets observed Obama's presence on the campaign trail had grown softer than at the start of the race, focusing on soliciting concerns and empathizing with the audience rather than throwing down challenges to them, and giving interviews to shows like The View and publications like Ladies' Home Journal rather than appearing on news programs. The change was even reflected in her fashion choices, with Obama wearing more and more sundresses in place of her previous designer pieces. The View appearance was partly intended to help soften the perception of her,and it was widely-covered in the press.

Criticism for "For the first time in my life" comments On February 18, 2008, Obama commented in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." Later that evening she reworded her stump speech in Madison, Wisconsin, saying "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." Several commentators criticized her remarks,and the campaign issued a statement that "anyone who heard her remarks ... would understand that she was commenting on our politics." In June 2008, First Lady Laura Bush commented on Michelle Obama's words, indicating that they had been misrepresented in the media: "I think she probably meant I'm 'more proud,' you know, is what she really meant," adding, "I mean, I know that, and that's one of the things you learn and that's one of the really difficult parts both of running for president and for being the spouse of the president, and that is, everything you say is looked at and in many cases misconstrued."

2008 Democratic National Convention speech Michelle Obama was regarded as a charismatic public speaker from the very beginning of the campaign. She delivered the keynote address on the first night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention on August 25, during which she sought to portray herself and her family as the embodiment of the American Dream. Other speakers that night included Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Edward Kennedy, who some expected to steal the limelight. She described Barack as a family man and herself as no different from many women; she also spoke about the backgrounds that she and her husband came from. Obama said both she and her husband believed "that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, and you do what you say you're going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them."She also emphasized her love of country, in response to criticism for her previous statements about feeling proud of her country for the first time. Her daughters joined her on the stage after the speech and greeted their father, who appeared on the overhead video screen. August 25, 2008 speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention Obama's speech was largely well received and drew mostly positive reviews.A Rasmussen Reports poll found that her favorability among Americans reached 55%.Political commentator Andrew Sullivan described the speech as "one of the best, most moving, intimate, rousing, humble, and beautiful speeches I've heard from a convention platform." Ezra Klein of The American Prospect, described it as a "beautifully delivered, and smartly crafted, speech"and described Obama as "coming off as wholesome and, frankly, familiar." One U.S.News & World Report commentator described her speech as one that embraced the crowd and that put Obama in her element.Meanwhile, another noted that the speech presented a formidable case for the Obamas as an All-American first family.Arianna Huffington and Howard Wolfson both lauded the speech. The speech made Juan Williams tear up over the thought of the significance of her presentation as a representative of Black America. Slate's Dahlia Lithwick described the speech as fearless for bringing family issues to the forefront.Chris Cillizza wrote at The Fix, a political blog from The Washington Post, that the speech helped America relate to the Obamas. The speech had its detractors. Katherine Marsh of The New Republic, however, said she missed "the old Michelle ... not the Stepford wife fist-bumping Elisabeth Hasselbeck, but the sassy better half who reminded us that while Barack was the answer, he was also stinky in the morning and forgot to put the butter away. She both affirmed his promise and humanized him." Jason Zengerle, also of The New Republic, said Obama should have emphasized her professional and educational achievements as well as her mother, daughter and sister qualities; Zengerle wrote, "It almost makes you long for the days when politicians' wives were seen but not heard. After all, if they're not permitted to really say anything, what's the point of having them speak." National Review also had a host of articles that pointed out negative aspects of the speech while noting praiseworthy points. One derided "Isn't She Lovely", the musical selection used following the speech as she walked off the stage with her daughters, even though it praised her speech and wardrobe. Another by Amy Holmes led with the fact that Karl Rove felt the speech was impersonal, although it compared favorably to speeches by Karenna Gore and Teresa Heinz-Kerry at previous DNCs. A pair of articles, including one by Byron York, noted that although the speech presented America as the land of opportunity, it conflicted with her campaign trail speeches that described dark aspects of the country.Despite all these articles, National Review editor Rich Lowry summarized why he felt the speech was a success.

Obama wants your...

Christian,Finance & Investment,Government

Not long ago I was talking to someone about wealth, and he had an interesting thought. He said to me that in order to become successful, I was not supposed to covet another person’s money they make. When I asked him why, he said it was just something he learned.

He quoted me thus: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor”. That is one of the 10 Commandments of God. Exodus 20:17.

One of the things that my neighbors who work at AIG have or own is the salary and wages they earn. Now when a man or woman works, his or her wages and or salary are not considered to be a gift to him or her. Nope. They are considered to be an obligation from the employer to the employee. See Romans 4:4.

Obama, the Muslim Marxist Shah of America

Monday, March 16, 2009: Before I talk about the new steps we’re taking to get credit flowing to small businesses across our country, I want to comment on the news about executive bonuses at AIG. This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat? In the last six months, AIG has received substantial sums from the US Treasury. I’ve asked Secretary Geithner to use that leverage and pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole. Clearly we have a licensed lawyer, who also happens to be the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America, claim that my neighbors, the AIG employees, they don’t “warrant” their wages in the form of bonuses. In fact, the property they own (the bonuses) is an outrage.

So to fix this outrage, the licensed lawyer from Illinois said that he has ordered the Treasury Secretary to “...pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole”.

Employment and Labor law contracts have to be honored

Unfortunately I do have to state the obvious. Under state and federal law, and the Bible, the employees wages are do to be paid. It doesn’t matter where the employer obtained the money from to pay the employees, the employees must be paid their wages.

Thus, the alleged Christian lawyer, Obama, is clearly inciting the Congress, the Treasury Secretary, and the American people to covet the wages of the AIG employees. And the way we are going to covet what my neighbors own is to become outraged at the payment of their wages based on where the employer made his money.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 18th and 19th of March, 2009, there were reports that the AIG employees were so in fear of their personal safety that there had to be armed guards stationed at their work place. Then on Thursday, March 19, 2009, the United States House of Representatives passed a bill that would basically target the AIG employees, and tax them so much so that their earned wages in the form of bonuses would be taken away from them.

Even bimbo lawyers, oops...I mean “legal experts” agree this is unlawful. In a Fox News online piece written on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, it stated:

But legal scholars say Congress will have a tough time defending itself in court if it goes down that road. Not only would Congress be retroactively meddling with contractual agreements, they say, but it would be passing laws that would essentially target a specific group of employees. The legal short of it is: there are state and federal employment and labor laws involved. Not to mention the United States Constitution prohibitions on bills of attainder and ex post facto laws.

More importantly, what do you think about this?

For as a man thinks, so is he. Proverbs 23:7. “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”. Matthew 12:34.

When Osama Obama, Congress, and the Treasury Secretary began the hate and covet fest against my neighbors, I asked God what He thought about all this. Without a moment’s hesitation God replied to me “So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against...those who defraud laborers of their wages...”. Malachi 3:5

The way my neighbors at AIG are being defrauded is as follows. At the formation of their contracts they were promised X dollars for Y work based on A,B, and C. Now the company has new owners who are saying, in effect, “Thanks for the work but we won’t pay you as agreed”.

What are the values that the “chosen one” Obama has. What is in his heart and mind? I thought you would never ask!!!

Those values are to consider his neighbors wages as a violation of Obama and company’s “fundamental values”. And the violation of Obama and company’s fundamental values was so disturbing to him that he was “...choked up with anger here”. See Yahoo news dated March 16, 2009, entitled “Obama: Block AIG bonuses”.

Obama, his Congress, and the Treasury Secretary have been amazingly successful in getting the American people to covet their neighbors wages. A Rasmussen poll result released March 19, 2009, says about 76% of Americans covet their neighbors bonuses (read wages).

In other words, we have Obama inciting people to covet other people’s possessions. Obama is shown to be inciting others to sin against God.

Back to successful living

For discussion sake, let’s say that Obama is a Christian. We saw that by him personally coveting his neighbors wages or other possessions was a sin.

We also saw that Obama personally and through his administration has incited 76% of Americans to covet and hate their neighbors because of their wages. Within that 76% of Americans who covet with Obama, a certain percentage are true Christians. Does God have anything to say about one Christian leading others into sin?

Jesus said, “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves”. Luke 17:1-3.

If Obama were a Christian you would see and hear him repent publicly. The Holy Spirit would torment him day and night until he repented and tried to get as many children of God to repent as well. So just keep your eyes and ears out for this. If it happens.

Get ready for bad stuff to happen

Why should you get ready for bad stuff to happen to you and the country? Very simple. God said he would personally come close to us for judgment. See Malachi 3:5 above. He would stand up for the employees whose wages have been taken away from them by fraud. By Obama and company.

And there is nothing that Obama can do to help you. Hope is not on its way. Judgment is.

Obama the muslim

By examining the fruit of Obama, it is clear that he is not a Christian. He is a fallen muslim. He is Satan’s son. The “chosen one”. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Are you going to serve Satan and Obama by coveting and hating your neighbors because of what they make in wages? Or are you going to serve God and his son Jesus Christ by shunning evil. By not coveting and hating your neighbor?


1. Let the Holy Spirit cleanse you from all unrighteousness 2. Protect your wealth and possessions by praying negative prayers over those who are trying to take them from you 3. Improve your prayer and faith life by letting me help you. Let me encourage, teach, and support you through my book and emails. To get your own copy, go to http://www.kingofprayer.com

Apr 28, 2009

Obama Stimulus Watch - What's in the Plan?

The 2009 Obama Stimulus Plan is estimated to cost more than the Vietnam War with figures adjusted for inflation. You have most likely heard about the Stimulus Plan but you may not know exactly what is in it. That's understandable because congress doesn't appear to know either.

What Will the Obama Stimulus Plan Cost?

Currently, the plan includes $550 billion in new spending and $275 billion in tax relief for a total of $825 billion. Are you having trouble wrapping your brain around numbers this big? If you wanted to count to 1 billion, it would take 95 years. If you wanted a bowl large enough to hold 1 billion goldfish, it would be as large as a stadium.

What's in the Obama Stimulus Plan?

$100 billion for clean energy initiatives. These include ethanol, wind energy and, solar energy to name a few.

Expand the child tax credit for 6 million families

Double renewable energy over next 3 years. Obama wants to power 6 million homes with renewable energy in 3 years.

Expand COBRA. (The healthcare option for those recently unemployed)

$27 billion to continue the extended unemployment benefits program through Dec. 31; and another $9 billion to increase the average unemployment check by $25.

"Shovel Ready" projects. Enhancing security at 90 major ports, 1,300 waterway modernization projects, 380 drinking-water projects, and 1,000 rural water and sewer system projects.
Bridges, roads, and mass transit improvements

Renovate 10,000 schools and fund the shortfall in Pell grants, which would increase college affordability for 7 million students.

Lay more than 3,000 miles of electric transmission lines and install 40 million "smart" utility meters to control energy use in homes.

Weatherize at least 2 million homes and 75 percent of federal buildings.

$90 billion to increase the federal share of Medicaid payments and an additional $79 billion to help states avoid cutbacks in education and other services.

Incentives for businesses to make capital expenditures. Building new plants and investing in new equipment will result in tax cuts.

Obama aides are also weighing the merits of a "buy American" clause. This would require companies contracted to buy supplies from American companies. For example, steel couldn't come from often cheaper sources overseas.

President Obama's Great Challenge to Fix a Badly Broken Economy

President Barack Obama will need to act fast to begin his plans for a set of more drastic measures to extricate the United States from its present weakening economic condition. This is what Newsweek International Editor Fareed Zakaria wrote in his February 2 Newsweek essay entitled "I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)". "The American financial system is effectively broken. Major banks are moving toward insolvency, and credit activity remains extremely weak. As long as the financial sector remains moribund, American consumers and companies -- who collectively make up 80 percent of GDP -- will not have access to credit, and economic activity cannot really resume on any significant scale. We have not turned the corner. In fact, we can't even see the corner right now," Zakaria writes.

No relief in sight - yet

Under normal conditions, the presidency of Barack Obama would bring a lot of great benefits for your billfold. During his campaign, he promised to transfer the tax load toward the moneyed sector, provide the uninsured with health coverage and subject financial products to more stringent rules.

The country, however, is not under normal conditions, not by a long stretch of the imagination. The big financial establishments have virtually vanished overnight. American carmakers are just about ready to follow suit. Retirement funds are nearly depleted and last year alone, job losses have run into the millions. There is no relief in sight as yet for the current economic crunch which is getting worse by the day.

Runaway train

Obama's "change you can believe in" should more likely be "change we hope that Obama can sustain". President Obama and a Congress controlled by the Democrats will have to roll up their sleeves as they have more to do, and more taxpayer money to spend, than anyone would have foreseen several months back.

Former International Monetary Fund chief economist Kenneth Rogoff in a statement said that the current recession is like a runaway train and Obama's effort is all about preventing it from running off a cliff. According to Zakaria, President Obama "faces a terrible dilemma. He needs to act quickly and on a massive scale."

Massive scale action needed

Large scale action is needed to keep the financial system from bleeding to death. The general American public, however, believes that far too much money have already been spent on bailing out the ailing banks.

Zakaria believes that the U.S. has not spent enough. According to him, the present economic crisis has caused an extreme degradation of American power. Even during the Iraq war, when much of the global community was infuriated by ex-President Bush's unilateral stance, it was highly held that America possessed the world's most advanced economy and its financial system were the most advanced and developed.

That system is now perceived globally as a fraud, and the reactions of political and business sector range from utter disbelief to rage at the image the U.S. now projects.

Senior Editor Daniel Gross writes of how an alarming number of firms and companies are giving up their finance-restructuring work and instead sell off their inventory and shut down. "Rather than soldier on, many operators have opted to simply fold, returning money to investors.

Companies, homeowners and money managers willing to quit rather than fight is both a symptom of the nation's deep economic woes and emblematic of the challenge the Obama administration faces," Gross writes. "Our 'Yes, We Can' president is going to have to fix a 'No, We Can't' economy."

Countrywide & Obama's Loan Modification Plan - Do Countrywide Home Loans Qualify?

Countrywide is a reputed mortgage company in United States. The loans are owned and insured by Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. That is why they are eligible for the loan modification plan initiated by the Obama Federal Government. The Obama Government is quite committed to help the home owners to save their homes from being foreclosed. For the same reason they have also allowed many grants for housing and other day to day chores of life.

Bankruptcy & foreclosure is not a practical solution. With this focus, even the banks are now willing to help the home owners to retain their homes. The banks have run into losses with the undue flow of bankruptcies & foreclosures. This is because the property rates in US have also gone phenomenally low. Even after selling off the house the bank does not get back its mortgage or loan money.

How to Qualify for Countrywide Home Loan

Here are the new pointers that would make you eligible for Countrywide mortgage :

· In case your mortgage amount exceeds 105% of the current market value of the house, you are eligible for the home loan modification. Earlier the rule was that if you own 20% of the equity you are eligible for loan modification.

· You can seek professional counseling from the expert counselors appointed by the US Federal Government's Housing & Development Department that is also known as HUD Department. These counselors help you draft your case in the best possible manner and also act as your representative with the Countrywide bankers.

· The focus of Obama plan is 'affordability.' So the rates of interest they are looking for are fixed. The plan is committed to help you save your home for a long term. So the modifications are more focused towards conversion of loans for a long term.

Obama Federal Loan Modification Program - Will Obama's Federal Grants Help Your Home Loan?

The Federal Government under the leadership of President Barack Obama has drafted an all-new housing scheme in the year 2009. His strategy to save your home is loan modification. As the President explained the scheme, he says - Bankruptcies and foreclosure are just not the solution. The key to retain your home is 'affordability.' The earlier loan modification schemes failed as the monthly payments were never made affordable. In our scheme we have tried our best to make the payments affordable for the individuals in the long run as well.

This plan has also come along with several grants to help the common lead a normal life unaffected by the shortage of cash flow. Grants are available for all basic needs for leading a good life like food & clothing, purchasing a new house or car, education of your college going kids, grants per young kids, etc.

Here are the pointers that would help you check if your home can be saved with the grants and loan modification schemes of the Obama Government:

· In case your loan mortgage amount is more than 105% of the current market value of the house, you are eligible for the loan modification.

· Loan modification plan is open for the loans that are owned and insured by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

· The ones who are planning to buy a home for the first time would be eligible for the special grants.

· Grants are also available for house renovation.

· You can get professional help from the counselors to get a loan modification or a new loan from the counselors appointed by the US Housing & Development Department (HUD). These counselors act as your representative in front of the bank and present you case in a more professional manner. The best part is that they do not charge you anything unlike the private companies.

Michelle Obama - As a Role Model

I like Michelle Obama. She comes across, smart, savvy, grounded, a sense of humor, and very connected to her role in history. She has an athletic sense of style. That style is a great role model for women of all ages.

Then there is the subject of Michelle's arms. A lot has been said and written about her athletic, toned arms that she shows by wearing sleeveless. I think it is great that she shows off her arms while being comfortable under hot lights and nervous situations. Isn't it about time that as a country we can say to all women, take off your jacket or sweater, your sweat shirt or suit coat and be cool! As menopausal women in the work force, let's take the cue from the First Lady and show off our arms, toned or bat wings, in the name of democracy and coolness.

You don't see Michelle showing a lot of cleavage, or looking matronly. I really like the no cleavage look. Too many celebrities show way too much bosom to be considered role models. Other women in the public eye go to the fashion extreme and look too drab in dark colors and tailored styles. Michelle wears dresses! In the last few years, trying to find a dress (age appropriate) at let's say Nordstrom has been equivalent to going on a treasure hunt. I am hoping Michelle Obama brings back the popularity of the dress, with sleeves or not, as her husband brings back the economy so we can all afford to buy one .This is the 'official' picture of our first lady, Michelle Obama.

Apr 27, 2009

'The Truth' by Painter Michael D'Antuono which will be unveiled on President Obama's 100th Day in Office at NYC's Union Square.

'The Truth' by Painter Michael D'Antuono which will be unveiled on President Obama's 100th Day in Office at NYC's Union Square.

Apr 24, 2009

President Barack Obama's Mortgage Modification Or Refinance Stimulus Plan

President Barack Obama is well aware that the current economic situation in the country leaves a lot of homeowners struggling. Housing prices have crashed and the all time high number of foreclosures does not help that at all, lowering surrounding homes values by as much as 9%. Home and property values have dropped so far that many homeowners now owe more on their mortgage than their home is actually worth. Due to these problems, the Obama administration has introduced the housing and homeowner stimulus plan.

This plan was announced in February and has started this month. Most people no longer have 20% equity in their homes, which is typically required for traditional mortgage refinancing, due to the dropping home prices. The stimulus plan from President Obama is going to make it easier for homeowners to modify or refinance their current home mortgage and have more manageable monthly payments and avoid a possible foreclosure. The goal of this home mortgage stimulus plan is to help over 5 million homeowners stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure or defaulting on their loan. This is done by giving incentives to mortgage lenders to use their new guidelines for approving a mortgage refinance. So with more incentives and less risk to mortgage lenders are going to be more flexible on who can refinance, how much they can save, and finding financially affordable monthly mortgage payments.

Homeowners looking to refinance or modify their current mortgages will get their loans restructured by mortgage lenders. With this plan, the maximum allowable monthly mortgage payment can not exceed 38% of the homeowners gross monthly income. Mortgage lenders will also get a dollars for dollar incentive from the government to further lower the monthly payments to 31% of the homeowners gross monthly income. This is great news for a lot of homeowners who are out of work or just struggling to make their monthly mortgage payment. A lot of homeowners currently pay 40% or even 50% of their income towards their mortgage. A 20% reduction would add up to a lot of saved money every month.

The Treasury of the United States has an exact series of guidelines for mortgage lenders and banks to complete when refinancing or modifying a home mortgage loan. In the past for example, mortgage loans have been refinanced or modified by adding on missed payments to the loans principal which basically did nothing to reduce the monthly payment. The housing mortgage refinance stimulus plan announced by Obama will mean a great amount of savings for millions of homeowners.

Barack Obama's Secret of Personal Success

Being a believer in the benefits of emulating (imitating someone) I have been studying Barack Obama for the last few months. The new President displays many great qualities worth emulating.

However in order to be able to emulate someone, we have to get to the core of that person's being. We have to know what makes him tick. The central element, around which everything else revolve has to be uncovered and understood.

In the cases of people like Trump and Schwarzenegger it would be pride. They have to be the biggest and own the most. As far as they are concerned, life is a contest and a contest that they must win. That would be the pivot around which their life is built and from which everything else eradiate.

The need to win in their central motivating force. That's where their energy and their drive comes from. Everything else is subordinated to that need.

In Obama's case, it is different. He does not seem to be motivated by the desire for acquisition but much more by a desire and a need for self-expression. But that need does not seem to be motivated by megalomania which is usually the case when the need is manifested to such an extent.

So whatever factor is at the roots of Obama's motivation and demeanor has to be deeper than the desire to acquire and win. The man is not primarily after honor or recognition. In other words, he is not motivated by a central need. So, the question then becomes, why would he work so hard if it is not to satisfy a need?

After pondering that question for a long time, I have come to the conclusion that Obama can be completely dedicated to a cause that will not serve to fulfill a need because he has found peace of mind. That's the secret of Obama's mystique and success. Peace of mind and nothing else.

With peace of mind you are totally free from fears and demands. With peace of mind you are free, there is no work, only play. There is no desire other than that of following the inner voice that will guide and inspire you.

I may be right and I may be wrong in my assumption. It does not matter. That's what my reality is and that is all that matters as long as I'm concerned. How to emulate Obama is now clear for me. It can and it will be used to further my personal growth.

The saying, "No drama Obama." now has a new meaning for me. All that I have to do now is to let it sink in through osmosis and, gradually, it will be wired in the neurons of my brain. Peace of mind will gradually supplant other less important considerations and will become a central source of power and energy.

Personal Development is a long and slow process. Luckily, if you have peace of mind, there is no rush. You are already happy exactly where you are right now. That's the power of "peace of mind." It's a gift that was given me in embryonic form by my latest mentor, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama's Magic Hundred Goals

Did you know that the Magic Hundred program, which is the fastest goal achievement program on the planet, has made it to The White House? It seems that the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, has taken the lead and done what everyone else should be doing and making our own lists to ensure that 2009 is our most productive year yet.

The Magic Hundred can really show you how to take action on all one hundred of your selected goals and finally proves that you can have anything in the world that you want to achieve if you put the steps into place to make it happen.

Surely the creator of the Magic Hundred program, renowned UK Fitness Expert Dax Moy, would be as proud as a new parent to see his project helping the leader of the free world.

What made me come to the conclusion that the President-Elect has his Magic Hundred plan implemented? I was reading an article of all of the goals that Mr Obama wants to achieve during his first one hundred days in office. Surely there is no bigger proof than the positive effect that the program has had if it is good enough for President-Elect Obama to use.

Some of Barack Obama's goals included tax cuts and direct spending to stimulate the economy, home security and the ultimate closing of the Guantanamo Bay facility. The correlation between setting goals that might seem outlandish at first and actually achieving them has been proven to be a success time and time again and it seems that Obama is aiming high in his Magic Hundred.

It shouldn't matter what side of the political fence you sit on, or whether or not you are even American, as I am a proud Australian, the important point to realise is that President-Elect Obama will soon be taking action on his goals once he is inaugurated.

How about you? What are you doing to take action on your goals for 2009? It doesn't have to be saving the world from terrorists or the economic crisis but surely there is something that you can take action on right now.

For more information on the Magic Hundred Goal setting program please read below

Find out how you can blast your way to a new body in the Aussie Fatblast Secrets Revealed FREE audio and eBook report that will explore the 5 things you must be doing TODAY to ensure you are getting the fat loss results that you deserve. Download your personal copy today!

Daniel Munday is a Fat Loss Expert based in Sydney Australia who is dedicated to separating the fitness fact from fiction in helping you solve your fat loss puzzle.

Apr 23, 2009

Morning-in-america -->BUSH


Another - Problem

Another - Problem



Apr 19, 2009

Clinton kiss hillary Vs Obama kiss hillary

Clinton kiss hillary Vs Obama kiss hillary

Obama Tax Jokes

Obama Tax Jokes

"Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit Obama's national debt." -- Tip o'the hat to Herbert Hoover

Based on his performance in office so far, President Obama should do just fine on his future tax returns. After all, he will be able to write off his second term.

It's too bad that we can't buy stock in the federal tax system. With Obama as president that will be only thing sure to go up.

President Obama is angrily calling for more federal tax increases. He just heard from his advisors that some American taxpayers weren't completely broke yet.

The best things in life are free but President Obama's tax advisors are working hard trying to solve that problem.

Barack Obama isn't planning on buying TurboTax®. Obama can turbocharge our taxes all by himself.

President Obama's tax return should list Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright as dependents.

President Obama plans to start printing income tax forms on Kleenex, so it will be easier for us to pay through the nose.

President Obama has just announced that he has a new plan to simplify the tax code. From now on only the Republicans will have to have to pay any taxes.

Q. Who should be listed as the most expensive dependent on your tax return?

A. President Obama.

President Obama will make it a lot easier for most people to do their income taxes next year. No jobs, no income.

Under Obama everyone in America will be working for the government. Democrats will be on the payrolls and Republicans will be on the tax rolls.

In the interest of full disclosure, President Obama's should declare all of the fawning media coverage he's received so far as a gift on his tax return.

Despite what some people are claiming, this country is just as free under the Obama presidency as it ever was . . . unless you happen to be a taxpayer.

If President Obama listed free enterprise on his tax return, it would have to be listed as a liability. That's because he just writes it off.

Today the IRS released new guidelines on how to avoid audits while Obama is the president. Number one - Don't list excessive deductions. Number two - File your return on time. Number three - Register to vote as a Democrat.

Judging by his wild spending so far, President Obama has apparently decided that it is easier to trim the taxpayers than to trim federal spending.

Don't think of it as paying more taxes. Think of it as giving Obama a big tip.

Thanks to President Obama we will become a more honest people. Once we're all jobless there won't be any point in lying on our tax returns.

Next year's "stimulus" tax return will fit on a postcard.

  • How much money did you make?
  • Mail it in.

President Obama intends to reward ambition. With higher taxes.

Now that Obama is the President you can still get ahead if you get up early in the morning, work late every day and hit the lottery.

Apr 16, 2009

Find Out Barack Obama's 2008 Salary

Barack and Michelle Obama released their 2008 tax returns today.

The couple -- who filed jointly -- earned $2,656,902 last year, which White House reps say mostly came from the sales of the president's books, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope.

See adorable photos of the Obamas playing with their new dog, Bo.

They paid $855,323 in federal income taxes, and $77,883 in Illinois state income taxes. They were set to receive a $26,000 refund, but instead applied the amount to their 2009 income taxes.

Find out who made the dresses Michelle wore to Europe earlier this month.

The couple also donated $172,050 to 37 charities, including $25,000 each to CARE, which fights global warming, and the United Negro College Fund.

Can you guess which celebs are the most charitable?

Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill earned considerably less: $270,000. They donated $1,885 to charity.

Michelle Obama breaches protocol

Though the touch lasted just for a few seconds, it was enough to ruffle the feathers of British traditionalists and send the media in a tizzy. In photo: US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, pose with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, during an audience at Buckingham Palace in London, Wenesday April 1, 2009.

Michelle Obama breaches protocol

Though surprised, the Queen did not seem perturbed by this sudden gesture. In fact, she was seen joking and smiling throughout the meeting. In photo: US first lady Michelle Obama is welcomed by Britain's Queen ElizabethII, as she arrives with President Obama for an audience at Buckingham Palace in London, Wednesday April 1, 2009.

Michelle Obama breaches protocol

It must be noted though that Michelle Obama placed her hand on the Queen only after the Queen, during her conversation, placed her hand on the First Lady's. In photo: US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, are welcomed by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, during an audience at Buckingham Palace in London, Wednesday April 1, 2009.

Michelle Obama breaches protocol

On her first official visit to the UK, US First Lady Michelle Obama, broke protocol by placing her arm around the Queen when she met her at the Buckingham Palace. However, stunned onlookers witnessed the Queen reciprocating the gesture. In 57 years, Queen Elizabeth II has never been seen to make any such gesture. In fact, the former Australian PM in 2000 got plenty of criticism and earned the moniker 'The Lizard of OZ' for having done a Michelle Obama. In photo: Michelle Obama, wife of U.S. President Barack Obama, left, walks with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II at the reception at Buckingham Palace in London Wednesday, April 1, 2009.

Bo at the whitehouse

Bo is allegedly a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy, a proud Portuguese water dogs owner, who said: 'We couldn't be happier to see the joy that Bo is bringing to Malia and Sasha.'Bo was dubbed as a natural fit for the first-time dog owners Obamas keeping in mind Malia's allergy.And the canine was claimed to have already become a family favourite during a secret acquaintance at the White House.The Post reported: "He sat when the girls sat, stood when the girls stood. He made no toileting errors and did not gnaw on the furniture. A source at the meeting said: 'He's sooooo cute. It's very exciting. They had a great meeting.'

Bo at the whitehouse

'He is a very nice, easygoing puppy ... typical Portuguese water dog, very smart,' the New York Daily News quoted him as saying.'He's got a very good temperament for a family with a lot of hustle and bustle and activity. He's easygoing, adaptable, loves everybody,' he added.

Bo at the whitehouse

And now the much-loved leader has kept his word by settling on the black and white pup, whom the little girls have decided to call Bo.According to the Washington Post, both Malia and Sasha chose their pooch's name after their cousin's cat Bo, and also because their grandfather was nicknamed Diddley, after rocker Bo Diddley.

Bo at the whitehouse

A 6-month-old Portuguese water dog is set to become the envy of his fellow pooches when he paws into the house and lives of the US First Family, the Obamas.President Barack Obama had promised his daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, a puppy during the campaign.

Michelle Obama - As a Role Model

I like Michelle Obama. She comes across, smart, savvy, grounded, a sense of humor, and very connected to her role in history. She has an athletic sense of style. That style is a great role model for women of all ages.

Then there is the subject of Michelle's arms. A lot has been said and written about her athletic, toned arms that she shows by wearing sleeveless. I think it is great that she shows off her arms while being comfortable under hot lights and nervous situations. Isn't it about time that as a country we can say to all women, take off your jacket or sweater, your sweat shirt or suit coat and be cool! As menopausal women in the work force, let's take the cue from the First Lady and show off our arms, toned or bat wings, in the name of democracy and coolness.

You don't see Michelle showing a lot of cleavage, or looking matronly. I really like the no cleavage look. Too many celebrities show way too much bosom to be considered role models. Other women in the public eye go to the fashion extreme and look too drab in dark colors and tailored styles. Michelle wears dresses! In the last few years, trying to find a dress (age appropriate) at let's say Nordstrom has been equivalent to going on a treasure hunt. I am hoping Michelle Obama brings back the popularity of the dress, with sleeves or not, as her husband brings back the economy so we can all afford to buy one .This is the 'official' picture of our first lady, Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama's Victory Garden

During World War II, in an effort to bolster the homefront, American citizens were encouraged to plant "Victory Gardens."

These were plots of land, large or small, used to grow fruits and vegetables.

As food supplies were being sent to it's soldiers overseas and basic food commodities like milk, eggs and butter, were being rationed at home, the government asked it's people to grow their own fresh produce.

The response of the people was overwhelming.

Inspired by the first lady, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who planted a "victory garden" on the White House lawn, nearly 20 million Americans, moved by patriotic fervor, began planting vegetables wherever they could find space. Backyards, empty lots and even city rooftops were converted into vegetable gardens.

The results?

Fruit and vegetables harvested in these home and community plots was estimated to be 9-10 million tons, an amount equal to all commercial production of fresh vegetables.

The program boasted morale, drew the people together in a common cause, and gave everyone a sense of pride, that they too were making a meaningful contribution to the war effort.

Unfortunately, when the war ended in 1946, most Americans forego their gardens and returned to their former ways.

Michelle Obama's recent decision to plant a "victory vegetable garden" on the White House lawn is also intended to mobilize and inspire Americans. Her intentions, however, are different than those of Mrs. Roosevelt.

America today is engaged in a different type of war. We may say the U.S. is battling on two separate fronts.

Mrs. Obama's first goal is to teach Americans, children and adults alike, the importance of eating locally grown, organic whole foods. We have gotten away from the basics of sound nutrition.

One of the leading causes of disease in the U.S. today is obesity. It's common even amongst children.

Cancer and heart disease, which account for 90% of deaths in America, are caused, in most cases, by a deficiency of fruits and vegetables in our diets.

When we add in a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of animal and refined foods, we are digging our graves with our forks and knives.

Michelle Obama, has taken a brave step in trying to educate America on the need to eat right.

The second front we are presently fighting is the downward spiral of the world economy.

Mrs. Obama is showing us a way, by growing our own food, to save money and create a sustainable lifestyle. Local, affordable, nutritious food should be the right of everyone and not just the privilege of a few.

Hopefully Americans will take Mrs. Obama's message to heart and follow her example.

Though the danger facing America today is less immediate than it was in 1944, it is no less grave. In many ways it is even more threatening.

By planting vegetable gardens, each of us is making a personal and public statement, that we are committed to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, that will preserve us and our children in the years to come.

Hopefully, Americans will rally around Mrs. Obama's call to action as they did for Eleanor Roosevelt in 1944. For only by doing so, can we assure our future.

Obama's Economic Recovery Plan

The outlook is grim and the solution is costly. President-elect Barack Obama didn't have much in the way of positive news to give on the American economy in his recent speech at George Mason University. "In short, a bad situation could become dramatically worse," he said as he outlined the numbers on unemployment, falling revenues and the mind-boggling national deficit.

However, the future president was not without hope. "I don't believe it's too late to change course, but it will be if we don't take dramatic action as soon as possible," Obama said. That dramatic action comes with a $775 billion price tag.

Obama's stimulus package would include an oversight structure known as the Economic Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which would track how the federal government spends the money. There would also be a website that would outline his plan and allow the public to track the money and the progress of the plan.

According to Obama's speech, his proposal would be called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Although his speech did not give great detail about his plan, some of the spending would be roughly broken down like this:

300 billion in tax cuts, both for individuals and businesses. According to Obama, 95% of middle-class, working families will receive $1000 tax cut.

$77 billion to extend unemployment benefits, including subsiding health care for those without jobs.

$398 billion in job-creation projects, such as rebuilding roads and bridges and expanding alternative energy programs. Obama promises to create 3 million jobs over the next few years in the areas of infrastructure, energy, health care and education. "It's a plan that recognizes both the paradox and the promise of this moment -- the fact that there are millions of Americans trying to find work, even as, all around the country, there is so much work to be done," Obama said in his speech.

Not included in this project, but on Obama's list of problems to tackle are the growing number of foreclosures, shoring up financial intuitions from future failure, and rewriting financial regulations to ensure better accountability. The number of problems facing the nation are daunting, but Obama's speech indicated his willingness to get right to work.

The most difficult part of Obama's economic recovery plan will be gaining bipartisan support and getting the bill passed. Until Obama has political support, his plan will go nowhere and help no one. He has also promised to eliminate pet projects and other government spending that is difficult to track, but makes the bill more appealing to some politicians. Perhaps that is why he included these words in his speech, "For every day we wait, or point fingers, or drag our feet, more Americans will lose their jobs. More families will lose their savings. More dreams will be deferred and denied."

There is little doubt that Congress will pass some sort of stimulus plan in the near future. How much of Obama's proposals make it into a final bill and how effective the stimulus package will be is going to be the story of 2009.

Obama Stimulus Watch - What's in the Plan?

The 2009 Obama Stimulus Plan is estimated to cost more than the Vietnam War with figures adjusted for inflation. You have most likely heard about the Stimulus Plan but you may not know exactly what is in it. That's understandable because congress doesn't appear to know either.

What Will the Obama Stimulus Plan Cost?

Currently, the plan includes $550 billion in new spending and $275 billion in tax relief for a total of $825 billion. Are you having trouble wrapping your brain around numbers this big? If you wanted to count to 1 billion, it would take 95 years. If you wanted a bowl large enough to hold 1 billion goldfish, it would be as large as a stadium.

What's in the Obama Stimulus Plan?

$100 billion for clean energy initiatives. These include ethanol, wind energy and, solar energy to name a few.

Expand the child tax credit for 6 million families

Double renewable energy over next 3 years. Obama wants to power 6 million homes with renewable energy in 3 years.

Expand COBRA. (The healthcare option for those recently unemployed)

$27 billion to continue the extended unemployment benefits program through Dec. 31; and another $9 billion to increase the average unemployment check by $25.

"Shovel Ready" projects. Enhancing security at 90 major ports, 1,300 waterway modernization projects, 380 drinking-water projects, and 1,000 rural water and sewer system projects.
Bridges, roads, and mass transit improvements

Renovate 10,000 schools and fund the shortfall in Pell grants, which would increase college affordability for 7 million students.

Lay more than 3,000 miles of electric transmission lines and install 40 million "smart" utility meters to control energy use in homes.

Weatherize at least 2 million homes and 75 percent of federal buildings.

$90 billion to increase the federal share of Medicaid payments and an additional $79 billion to help states avoid cutbacks in education and other services.

Incentives for businesses to make capital expenditures. Building new plants and investing in new equipment will result in tax cuts.

Obama aides are also weighing the merits of a "buy American" clause. This would require companies contracted to buy supplies from American companies. For example, steel couldn't come from often cheaper sources overseas.

How the Obama "Home Affordability Plan" Helps Homeowners

Homeowners who are facing foreclosure or are struggling for help refinancing or modifying their home mortgage and looking to take advantage of President Obamas "Home Affordability Plan" mortgage stimulus, may be confused about which part of they plan they qualify for. Here is some help.

With so many announcements from the news and government themselves about the stimulus bailout and how homeowners can save a lot of money by refinancing a lot of homeowners ask themselves where to start. Here is some helpful information to get you on your way.

1) The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac SMP (Streamlined modification program) is a home loan modification option for homeowners who have a mortgage owned or insured by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. This mainly applies to conforming loans and will reduce the monthly mortgage payments to no greater than 38% of the homeowners gross monthly income. Interest rates will be lowered to as little as 3% in order to achieve this goal as is extending the length of the loan. However, there are some minimal qualifications that must be met in order to take this route that you can learn more about.

2) The partial claim FHA mortgage loan modification is also an option for homeowners who have a home loan insured by the FHA. Using this program, a "silent" additional loan is used to bring the existing home loan up to date and current. No payments or interest will be paid on this loan until the house is sold or the home loan is refinanced.

3) Qualified homeowners can apply for loan modification programs or refinancing options through their lender, or any lender or bank, in order to lower their monthly mortgage payment. This can be done through lower interest rates, a longer loan term. Forbearing the principal, or a combination of all three of these things. Each mortgage lender and bank have eligibility requirements for each type of home loan refinance or modification. Learn the lenders requirements in order to better your chance of being approved.

Millions of homeowners across the country are facing foreclosure or defaulting on their home loan. This mortgage stimulus plan from President Obama makes refinancing a mortgage easier than ever and will save an estimated 9 million homeowners a lot of money every month. Take advantage of this amazing time to refinance and talk to your mortgage lender or bank today.

Home refinancing can save you thousands or if it is done the wrong way cost you thousands. Greedy mortgage lenders will try to suck you dry if you let them. Learn how to properly refinancing a home mortgage and walk away happy and with more money.
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